Empires and their Shi

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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it doesn't belong to me

Marie responded "Yeah. I know a few groups. I then said "How long will it take you to get them organized and ready to go to New York?". "24 hours" Mei responded.

Two hours later...

Marie came back, and told us "I have contacted every empire and Rouge that I could. The issue is, we need to relocate to my third base of operations". "Ok. Why do we need to relocate to your third base, and not your second base?" I asked. "Well, this is first base. It is my main base of operations, and it is the most heavily enchanted base that I have. Base two is down the river quite a ways, and is in a separate set of trees. It is almost as enchanted as first base is, but it is larger. When I have to take people to a base, I'll take them to two or three. Three is completely different from bases one and two. Three is located in the downtown area, over a place called the Corner Bar. It is practically as enchanted as base one is. All base three mainly holds is a bag with a sleeping bag, food for three days, and a set of clothes. The rest of the room has a large number of chairs, and a foldable table or three. When I have meetings with groups, such as the empires, I tell them to base three". "Wait? The Corner Bar?" I asked. "Yeah, the owners are Chinese demigods, and old family friends. They know me well, so they let me use their attic as a base". Marie responded.

"So, Mei. Tell us everything that you possibly can about these empires, their leaders, and the rogues that you talked about" Annabeth ordered. Marie started responding "There are two empires. Each empire has about two hundred and fifty members. The leader of each empire is the emperor, and each emperor can have one Shi, a second in command, and personal guard to the emperor. That is everyone who will be coming to this meeting. The first empire, the Zhang empire, is led by Li Qiang, his Shi is named Levesque. The second empire, the Qing empire, is led by Zhi Ruo. Her Shi is named Jessica.

To address emperors, you say Emperor [Their Empire]. So, to address the emperor of the Zhang, you would say Emperor Zhang. To address the Shi, you would say Shi [Their empire]. If you forget anyone's rank or name, you can ask them 'Which empire are you from?'. The easy way to tell ranks apart will be their clothes. Emperors will be wearing highly decorated red clothes, with gold decorations. They will also be wearing at least one medium sized gold dragon on them. Shi will be wearing a yellow collared shirt (shirt in images, yellow instead of blue, orange instead of black).

On other matters, there is something that I need to tell you guys" Marie said. "What?" Annabeth and Magnus asked. "I am considered the Emperor of the fourth empire. The recently fallen Tang empire. My mother was the emperor before me, but before I was of age to take throne, she died in a fire. My empire was given the choice to join the other empires, or become rouges. Many of the high ranking people that were in my empire became rouges, and are still loyal to me. They will be coming with us to fight. The lower people left to other empires. And as I am still acknowledged as an empire, and have recently become of age, I will be acknowledged as an emperor. You guys will have to be representing your own group or two. I would suggest splitting up by pantheons. Magnus and Annabeth can be the emperors, and Kat can be a Shi. That way, you all can be included in the discussion" Marie concluded.

"Okay, then don't we need to get-?" I started saying before Mei said "Clothes! That's why we are going to second base first. We can pick up clothes and some other essentials, like magical spells and components, sleeping bags, and food". "Okay, let's go then!" Magnus said. 

Question. Would you prefer a full chapter at a time (averaging two thousand plus words each month at best, but more like two thousand words every two or three months), or about each time skip or POV change, (a couple hundred words every week or two, at best). I have full chapters one through four done so far.

Hope you enjoyed!


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