Hey Bia!

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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it isn't mine

Chapter 5

First out was Bia, closely followed by Jason and Piper, who came out together. "Hey Kat and Nico. Unfortunately, we haven't seen Hazel or Frank. Or maybe fortunately? Because since Hades said that he marked them as straight to Isle of the Blest, we would see them if they died. So they are still alive" Piper ranted. She probably would have continued ranting, if Hazel and Frank had not jumped out from behind us, and yelled "Surprise!". This time, we had planned it, so we didn't draw our weapons, but Bianca, Piper, and Jason did. "You know that drawing weapons won't do anything for you guys? Right?" Nico asked. "I mean, it's instinct?" Piper said questionably. "Have you guys been training?" Percy asked. "Of course" Jason responded. "Want to duel?" Nico asked. "You know we can't unless we're in the Underworld, or if Hades is here..." Bianca said, before looking behind our group of demigods, and seeing the gods.

"You demigods have time for a quick duel. By our estimation, we have a few years before the prophecy actually needs us at the World Tree" Hades said. "Okay then" Us demigods responded. "Most of us gods are going to go. We can't be around ghosts for too long. It makes most of us sick" Hestia said. On that, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes and Hestia flashed away, while Athena, Artemis, Poseidon, and Hades stayed. "Okay, so who is two best fighters in this group?" Annie asked. Everyone pointed to Percy, and then to Annie or me. "Okay then. We'll all fight each other, since there is an odd amount of us, as Nico can't fight without seriously injuring people. How good are you guys at fighting?" Annie asked Bianca, Jason, and Piper. "I'm best, followed by Piper, then Bianca, who is still learning" Jason said. "Okay. Hazel against Bianca, Piper against Magnus, Mei against Jason, and Lili against Frank. We can do this tournament style" Annie said. "Okay then. Us first?" I asked. "Sure. First one out, other two move on?" Percy responded, with Annie responded "Exactly".

We then got into a triangle formation, and got into defensive positions, as we all still had our armor on. I pulled out my sword in advance, and got into a defensive position, Percy with Riptide, Annie with her knife, and and me with my sword. Hazel then yelled "START!" And Annabeth automatically started going for Percy. I knew that this would happen, as Annie loved fighting Percy, especially as she knew that even though they are engaged, he won't go easy on her. As Annie started going at Percy, I used my owl charm and went invisible. Annie first went at Percy, and managed to flip him onto the ground. He then rolled, and managed to get out from under her. He then started to try and dent the armor on her legs, but he didn't manage to do much, before he was flipped onto the ground again. Percy got out by making a small cut on her hand, and then started running towards where I was standing. To make the fight fair, I stopped being invisible, and then blocked the attack that he tried to throw at me. I managed to throw him towards Annie, who took him to the ground, with a few more tiny cuts and bruises on each other. Annie then made him surrender by pinning him down, and holding a dagger to his throat.

"First match goes to Kat and Annabeth, with Percy out" Athena announced happily. "Next match is Hazel and Bianca" Artemis announced. Hazel and Bianca stood across from each other. I yelled "Start!", and then they very hesitantly started fighting. Bianca was doing very basic offensive moves, while Hazel was blocking them. Hazel slowly started to get more confident, and then started to go on the offensive. Bianca was forced to go on defensive, and started losing to Hazel. Bianca eventually fell down, and surrendered to Hazel.

"Second match goes to Hazel, with Bianca out" Hades said. "Third match is Piper against Magnus" Artemis said. This continued on for the rest of the first round, with Magnus, Mei, and Lili winning their rounds. "Next set of rounds will be Annabeth against Magnus, Hazel against Mei, and Lili against Kat" Artemis said. When it came to the fights, Magnus practically gave up when he realized that he was fighting Annie, who won within five minutes. The same thing happened with Hazel and Mei. Hazel surrendered to Mei within five minutes. My fight with Lili was a bit more interesting. We were evenly matched, and I ended up winning after fifteen minutes. "The final round will be another three person round" Athena said. We all got into position, and started the fight. Mei barely got Annie out, with some major help from invisible me. After Annie was out, I joined the fight as a visible person. Since we were allowed to use any and all items in this round, I called Copper over, and between the two of us, we got Mei out. "And Kat is the winner!" Poseidon excitedly yelled.

"Nice job with your use of all of your items. You kept switching things up, and you were very confident with your choices" Athena said. After she said this, all of the gods and goddesses, Athena, Artemis, Poseidon, and Hades, started doubled over in pain, first Hades, than Poseidon, followed by Athena, and Artemis, in that order. I yelled "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!" While freaking out, as gods and goddesses did not feel pain, unless they were physically hurt. "WHAT THE HELA IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!?!?" Magnus yelled. "NOT ANYTHING GOOD!!! THAT'S FOR SURE!!!" Percy yelled back. Hades and Poseidon then groaned, and slowly got up. "What just happened?" They asked each other. "I don't know. The only other time that I felt pain like that before, was when Kalianna died, and I recieved her powers and control over the sea creatures..." Poseidon slowly said, before he, Hades and Annie yelled "OH TARTRUS!!!". "What?!?" The rest of us exclaimed.

Annie immediately started saying "At least four other gods or goddesses have just died, and their powers have been transferred to the gods and goddesses that are in front of us. And even worse, they were killed by unnaturally killed, as gods or goddesses who die of fading from loss of hope, do not have their powers transferred. At that point, their powers are considered useless, such as we saw with Pan. If a god or goddesses dies from someone, their powers will be transferred to the next best god or goddess. I believe that the only recorded evidence of that is when Kalianna, daughter of Poseidon, and goddess of sea creatures died from a specialized Hellhound killed her. Her powers went to Poseidon". Everyone then realized that the two gods had fainted while Annabeth was talking.

"WE NEED TO GET THESE GODS AND GODDESSES INSIDE THE BUS, AND GET THEM TO CAMP HESTIA NOW!!! AT THIS MOMENT, SOMEONE IS GOING AROUND AND KILLING GODS AND GODDESSES OFF. WE NEED TO PROTECT THESE ONES AND ANY OTHERS THAT WE CAN BEFORE WHOEVER IS HUNTING THEM GET TO THESE GODS!!!"I yelled, taking charge. Thankfully, all of the gods had shrunken to a more normal height, so we paired up and carried them into the bus, with Nico and I directing. Once everyone was in the bus, I asked Nico "We are three hundred miles from Camp Hestia. If we drive the bus, it will take us about ten hours. If we work together, do you think that we could do it?". He replied "Call Copper. We'll need her too. And Hazel or Bianca should be able to help a small bit". I called Copper, and than got Hazel and Bianca and explained the plan to them. "First we are going to get Copper to move us twenty miles. After that, she'll be able to rest on here. Next wil be you two. Hazel and Bianca. Between the two of you, you should be able to move the bus another ten miles. After that, I'm going to move us thirty, and Nico will move the last forty. Then, as we all will be down, someone else can drive us into camp" I explained. I had Percy in on the plan, so he knew to drive the last stretch.

We started. Copper stayed on the bus, and we had her shadow travel us the twenty miles. She passed out on the spot, and Magnus moved her to a pile of clothes that we had. Next Hazel and Bianca moved us another fifteen miles, and they had just enough energy to lay on the floor before they passed out. I then nervously started on my stretch, and transported us thirty five miles. I immediately passed out, with the last thing I heard was Nico saying "You had to be the hero Kat..."

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