...Her Blood...

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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it


I had just woken up in the Poseidon cabin, and assumed that we made it to camp. One of the many Apollo campers that was running around the cabin, brought me a tray of food. I saw that Frank had run off the second that I woke up, and Hazel was asleep in another bunk. Right before I was about to take a bite, a group of demigods busted into the cabin. Annabeth, Percy, Frank, Nico, all came into the cabin, and started fussing over me. "GUYS!!! GUYS!!! STOP!!! I'M PERFECTLY FINE!!!" I yelled in annoyance. They all backed up, with their hands up. "As your family, we were worried" Percy responded. "I know, but I'm perfectly fine" I told them. I then took a bite of the food that was in front of me, pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. I then spit it out, and said "This tastes like trash that has been burnt in a pile of trash, and then had the ashes soaking in sewage". Nico then walked over to me, and poked me with a needle. Percy screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?!". Nico calmly responded "Look at her blood". Everyone turned and stared towards my tiny injury. There was one drop of blood gathering on my finger, but it was golden, like ichor. The spot then healed straight up, like it never existed.

I yelled "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?!?!". Percy just fainted on the spot, and a bunch of Apollo campers ran in, and took him to the infirmary. Annabeth slowly started to say "You are a goddess Kat". I said "WHAT THE TARTARUS???". Nico and Annie grabbed me, and started dragging me out of the cabin. Nico then stopped, and said "WAIT!?! ARE YOU FEELING OKAY KAT!?!" I responded "Yes... Unless you count the fact that you just dragged me from my cabin". "Have you ever passed out after shadow traveling before?" Nico asked. "No. Never" I said. "What was the farthest that you have ever shadow traveled?" He asked. "Um. five miles or so? I don't usually need to shadow travel much" I responded. Nico then just stared off into the distance, like he was thinking carefully about some different things, before Annie pulled him over, and said "Let's go. We need to get her to the gods now Nico". Nico then grabbed Annie and I, and he shadow traveled us to the last group of Greek gods.

When we arrived, I felt something that felt like a headache appear, and get a lot worse over a minute. After that, minute, I could mentally see a dam in my mind break, and I started to glow silver. Hades grabbed me, and he shadow traveled us to Antarctica, and then left me there, as he went back to the camp. After he had left, I felt like I was disintegrating, and I blacked out for a second. When I recovered, I realized that I was in a crater, with a diameter the length of a semi-truck. I was confused, until I heard a voice in my head. It said "Hello Katastrophe. My name is Athanasia, and I am the Immortal guide. I proclaim you, Katastrophe Jackson, goddess of hope, peace, equality, protection, judgement, foresight, and loyalty, and the Queen and first of the Phoenix Jury.". "WAIT!!! What do you mean by the Phoenix Jury?!? And why am I the queen of it?!?" I mentally yelled back. The voice, Athanasia, said "The Phoenix Jury is the next group of gods rising. I have been given the task of guiding the immortals throughout the years, and that includes appointing the next generation of gods. As such, I have seen it as the right time to create the next group. The main purpose of the Phoenix Jury will be to keep the others in check. The have gotten out of hand in recent years, and need a group of enforcers. Over the next period of time, there will be more people that are compatible of being gods that you will meet. You will know if they are meant to be on the Phoenix Jury, or you can give them other immortal positions. Now this is where I leave you. Goodbye, my queen".

At this, the voice completely disappeared, and Hades walked out of the shadows. He said "Time to come home. We need to talk". At this, we shadow traveled back to Camp Hestia, where everyone was waiting. The remaining Greek gods, Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Frank, and Hazel were sitting there. When we arrived, Percy ran over, and gave me a hug. Artemis looked at me, and said "Did you meet her?". I responded "Yes". Hades then spoke up, saying "Would you care to explain the situation?". In response, I just started talking. "Everyone. I was appointed as a new goddess". Hazel flat out collapsed, and Frank pulled her into his lap, while Percy started stuttering "N-n-n-o-o-o way t-t-that this is happening", before he fainted, and Annabeth put him on the floor next to her. Annabeth just looked straight at me, and said "Explain". I responded "I was in Antarctica, and I heard a voice in my head that said it was named Athanasia. She said that she was the immortal guide, and that she was in charge of all the gods and goddesses, and picking new ones. She said that I was a new goddess. The goddess of hope, peace, equality, protection, foresight, and loyalty, and the new queen of the next immortal group, called the Phoenix Jury".

"Well. That's... different. We need to check something" Poseidon said, before Athena whispered in my ear "Chose a demigod, draw a sword, and quickly fight them. Don't say anything about which demigod though". I decided to listen, and then ran over to Nico, while drawing my sword. At the last second, before I hit him, he shadow traveled away. Like I knew he would. He had shadow traveled behind me, and then we had a small fight. I ended up winning, and had him pinned to the ground after a few minutes. "So? What was that?" Nico asked me. Athena responded "We needed to test her boundaries. Many gods and goddesses are bound by the fact that we are not supposed to interfere in mortal affairs. So, for example, I cannot directly start a fight with a demigod. I can anger them to the point that they fight me, but I cannot make the first blow. Obviously, you can". I responded "Okay", while helping Nico off the ground. I said "Sorry" to him, and he responded "It's fine. That was actually kinda fun". I smiled as we stood next to each other.

"Well. Don't we need to get to Boston?" Annabeth asked. Frank responded "We can't right now. It would take us a week to pack everything again. We had everyone packing, until you guys teleported here, and then everything got unpacked again". "Well. If we can manage to work together, and use these infinite storage bags, we should be able to get everything packed in a week. The issue is, I think that we should leave Percy, Hazel, and the campers under the age of seventeen here". "I second that" I said. "Okay. Frank. Can you carry Percy and Hazel to the infirmary. Kat. You and I will be running around telling everyone of our plans. And you gods and goddesses could help by gaining full mastery of your powers? There is an large, everything proof forest that you could practice in. Nothing can be destroyed in that forest" Annie said. We all replied "Okay then", and ran off to go do our assigned jobs.

Annie and I ran over to the campfire, and rung the alarm. We just watched, as every camper in the camp rushed over, and sat down on the benches. Once everyone was there, Annie started speaking "Campers! We have called you here because of an emergency! Kat Jackson was issued a quest earlier in the year, and we have more information on it! We will be taking every camper that is willing to fight, that is over the age of seventeen, with us to Boston. To fight. We will be leaving in a week, and we need everyone's help to pack". Once Annie stopped speaking, everyone else started mumbling. I stepped up, and said "We need all of the medical supplies, weapons, and armor that we have. Hopefully, we will be joined by a couple thousand extra demigods, many of which don't possess armor. We need every Hephaestus camper, Norse, and Chinese demigods to go into the forges and start experimenting with the metals. Other then that, help us pack. Annie will be standing here for the next half and hour with infinity bags that can hold anything. After that, she will be helping pack. Any questions?". At this, the campfire pit was dead quiet.

Annie then yelled "Okay! Come on down and get the bags from me!". While the campers started swarming her, I snuck off to go practice my powers. I went over to the magic proof forest area, and started trying different things. Over a period of an hour or so, I found that my abilities allowed me to see into the future slightly, at will, and with being able to remember those, serve justice to those that deserve it, as long as they are captured, and I radiated hope, peace, and overall calmness to those around me, according to the nymphs around me. I could also control any of the elements, with the cost of a large amount of energy. I walked back over to the campfire, only to find most of the smaller campers sleeping, and with the older campers running around with the last of the stuff. I found Annabeth by the borders, where she was directing the loading of the various cars and buses.

"Annie. I thought that it would take us at least a week to pack everything?" I asked her. She responded "Everyone got their stuff together, and helped pack like manics. The small campers are sleeping by the campfire pit, taking a well- earned nap, and the rest of us are finishing up. I managed to find Magnus' group of Norse demigods, and they already left for Boston, as they need go try and rally the rest of their kind. The Chinese demigods are making sure that they have everything that they need, and they are trying to make more specialized weapons, that could kill all the types of monsters". "Okay then. When will we be leaving?" I asked. "Five hours. In half and hour, we should start loading people onto the buses and cars, and then we will be sending them off. Our car will be going last" Annie continued. "Okay then. See you in five hours".

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