...Found them all dead...

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Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it

Nico POV

After Kat moved us thirty five miles, I moved us the last thirty. I was still standing, as I was much better at this, so I grabbed Annabeth, and got her to drive to camp. We made it through the border, and stopped in the middle of camp. Annabeth yelled "GET HELP!" And a bunch of campers got everyone out and medical attention from the Apollo cabin. Except for me. I grabbed some Unicorn Medicine, chugged the bottle, and shadow traveled to the homes of the gods that I knew. I went to the Underworld, and teleported an unconscious Persephone to camp. I then teleported to Poseidon's underwater palace, and found nobody there. I went around, and found most of the Olympians unconscious, except for a few, that had suffered a different fate. I found Hera, Dionysus, Ares, and Hestia dead in a room, looking like they had gone down fighting. I went to go visit the minor gods, and found them all dead. There was not a single one unaccounted for, or alive.

I put on a pair of gloves, and teleported every dead body to Camp Hestia. I then teleported myself, and was received with a worried and freaking out group of demigods. "I have bad news. We have every single god and goddess accounted for here. Whether dead or alive. We have nine of the Olympians, unconscious, but alive as of right now. The other five, are dead. Those five are Hera, Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hestia" I announced to every single demigod, as all of them had gathered around the pile of dead gods.

At this, chaos ensued. I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. I told everyone that was on the bus, "We'll be out for two weeks max. Take care of everyone, and keep them from going crazy. You need to make sure that the gods and goddesses that we have here are perfectly safe. Take care of everyone. Oh, and catch me please. Recovery might take longer if I get a head injury..." I told them, as I fell down, and into the darkness.

Two weeks later...

I woke up in my redecorated cabin. After I got friendly with Hades, he had allowed me to redecorate the cabin, so now it looked respectable. I woke up to see Bianca and Hazel on other bunk beds, and Jason and Piper sitting in chairs by them, completely asleep. I got up and walked over to them, and tapped Jason the shoulder "Dude. Wake up". At this, he woke up, and came close to screaming. "Oh wait. It's just you. Hey Nico, back from the dead I see. Well, you missed a lot. We buried the dead gods and goddesses, and none of the NYD have woken up yet" Jason said. "NYD?" I asked. "Not Yet Dead. It's what we call the unconscious gods that we have. Other then that, you've been out for a week and a half, and we suspect that the others will wake up within the hour" Jason replied. "What about the wolf?" I asked him. "Copper woke up an hour after you got here. She immediately left, and we believe that she has been moving the sun and the moon, as we demigods can now see a running wolf on the moon" He replied.

At this point, Hazel and Bianca slowly groaned, and woke up. Jason started to run over, but I held him back. "It hurts after you wake up from using you powers too much the first couple dozen times. Don't touch them" I warned. He nodded, than went over and sat on his chair. Piper then woke up, and saw the two, but Jason explained the situation to her. Hazel then groaned, and said "Why are you not dying of pain right now Nico?!?". "I mean, after you shadow travel a thousand plus times, with at least a hundred times of passing out, it feels like I just woke up from a nice nap. But that's what happens when you shadow travel larges groups of people or giant items across the world. Fun fact. If I wanted too, I could shadow travel myself and one other person across the world and back before I pass out" I said in response.

"Well then" Bianca said flatly. "Trust me. That's not a good thing" I responded. Jason then said "Well, Bia, Piper and I need to get back to the Underworld. It's well past the amount of time that we should be here. I'm starting to feel off, and I can tell that you guys are feeling off too. We need to go home". I agreed with him, and told him "I'll give you updates as soon as I can". Jason nodded, and grabbed both Bianca's and Piper's arms. I opened a rift, and he dragged them all through. "Bye guys!" I yelled, as I closed the rift behind them.

"Okay. Hazel. Get up. We are going to go see the others, who are probably at the Poseidon cabin with Kat. Now move it" I quickly said to her, as I swiftly walked out of the cabin, and next door. "Hey guys! I said as I walked through the door. "Hey Nico. Shouldn't you be looking like you just did every commotion in the Olympics right now?" Percy asked. "And where's Jason, Piper, and Bianca?" Annabeth asked. "So, Jason, Piper, and Bia had to go back to the Underworld. As for the how I look thing, practice make perfect. When you have shadow traveled at least a thousand times, and passing out at least a hundred, waking from power slumber feels like I just woke up from a nice nap. Anyways, what's Kay's condition, and how are the gods?" I responded.

At this exact moment, an Apollo kid came running in, yelling "THE GODS ARE WAKING UP!!! THE GODS ARE WAKING UP!!!". Annabeth, Percy and I ran over to the cabin that we set up for them, while Hazel and Frank stayed behind to watch Kat. Once we got over there, we saw that all of the gods were awake. Poseidon, Hades, Athena, and Artemis looked quite confused, but they came to it within five minutes. On the other hand, Zeus, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Persephone looked very confused. To the point where they did not seem to remember that they were gods...

"Who are you? You seem familiar, like I saw you in a dream" Persephone said to Hades. Hades sadly replied "Y-y-you don't remember me? Your husband?". I decided that something was off about mom. She didn't seem to be acting like her normal, cheery self, that came with her powers. It was almost like her powers and memories had been stripped from her... I walked over to her, and used a silver knife to quickly make a tiny wound on her. Instead of bleeding ichor, she was bleeding red. Everyone except Zeus, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Persephone gasped loudly. Zeus said "My name is Marcus. Do you happen to know where my two brothers, and my wife are?". Poseidon asked "What are their names?". Zeus replied "My brothers are named Jackson and Alexander. I also have two sisters, Alexandria and Ashlyn. My wife is named Jacqueline". "Poseidon looked at Zeus, and said "That was out past life. The one that we agreed to never talk about again. What happened to you?". I spoke up, saying "I think that he, along with Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Persephone, have been transformed back into humans, and have, as a result of that, have lost their memories, and any recollection of their godly lives, including you all". Poseidon just looked at us, and fainted right to the ground. He got right back up though, and started freaking out. Athena then thought of something, and spoke up. "Wait. Where's Hestia?". "Hestia, Hera, Ares, and Dionysus, Aphrodite, and Dementer are dead" I responded. "So if we are the only gods remaining..." Athena muttered, before Hades yelled "WHO HAS THE HEARTH!?!?!". The gods looked among each other, before Artemis held her hand out, with her palm facing up, and summoned a fire.

Poseidon said "Well, I know that I'm now the god of the oceans, water, sea creatures, the sky, and all of the things that come with it, snow, ice, in general, all water based things". Hades said "Underworld, death, wealth, messengers, thieves, travelers, and all of Hermes domains". Athena flatly said "Wisdom, war, marriage, love, the sun, planets, luck, revenge, and most of the minor domains". Artemis said "Moon, hunting, maidens, plants, fire, flowers, forges, and the Hearth".

I asked "So, the rest of the gods are practically useless?". Annabeth responded "They are completely useless, as they can never get powers or god hood again. Anyways, there is a high chance of them dropping dead within the next hour, due to the loss of their powers, it leaves their immune systems at the collapsing point. Say your goodbyes". At this, the four gods ran over to their family, and said goodbye. The second that they were finished, the group of former gods dropped dead. The entire group looked at Hades, who just shrugged, and said "It was their time. We can always visit them later". The other gods just said "Okay". We then saw Frank running over, yelling "KAT'S STARTED TO WAKE UP!!! KAT'S STARTED TO WAKE UP!!!". All of us demigods ran over to the Poseidon cabin, trying to get to Kat. When we got to the cabin, we saw Kat sitting up, with a plate of food in front of her...

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