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That evening at dinner it was only the family who was present. The Duchesses and Simon had left after the crisis passed and they knew she was with her family. It was her brother Charlie that asked the question everyone was wondering. They had Cordy's romantic version, but they wanted the facts.

"What exactly happened?"

"I came up with a plan to bring out Staff, we presented it to Simon who said he would allow it as long as we stayed in the spot he picked, and we took weapons with us. We set up our picnic at the pond and we were to look as if we were having a romantic outing not paying attention to what was going on around us. She saw Staff approaching and she warned me so we both pulled our guns and he stopped. He had a jar of something Simon later told us was acid. He took a shot at me and for some reason she has not yet explained to me why she jumped in front of the bullet meant for me. I am so sorry I don't know what made her do it. I wish it had been me. I am so very sorry she was hurt its all my fault."

When he looked up he was surprised to see all the woman smiling at him. It was The Duchesses of St. Helen who spoke.

"My dear boy there is no other explanation for why she did something so stupid other than she loves you with all her heart. It is not your fault she was shot. I am very sure she would do it again for the one she loves. I know I would."

Her husband growled


Holland and Bailey laughed, and so did his mother and his grandmother there was a story here and him and Charlie seemed to be the only two who were in the dark.

"Do tell Mother, I am quite curious why father looks like he would like to crawl under the table and hide."

"You see when I was young I was frivolous so to speak."

Matthew looked up and smiled at his wife.

"Is that what you called it back then frivolous?"

"Hush, Matthew let me tell our story."

He grunted, and she continued.

"I was at the home office when Matthew first started I thought him to be the most handsome boy in all England. As we worked together I began to have feelings of love for him, but he only viewed me as an irritating young school girl. Which to be honest I probably was my parents kept to themselves because of the work my father did. In our house we spoke our minds and there would be no repercussions. So, one day I just told Matthew I love you. Then walked away. He was so shaken by admission he avoided me at all cost."

"I did no such thing."

Holland laughed at that comment.

"I recall if Holly walked into a room you walked out. When father assigned you two to find out if Lord Waynemoore was up to no good you at first refused the order."

Holly gave Matthew a hurt look.

"You refused to work with me. You, insufferable arse. Anyway, we were to attend a ball I was the bait to distract Lord Waynemoore and Matthew was to search the rooms for evidence. What no one expected was Lord Waynemoore to do is take me in the study to compromise me but not with the intention marrying me. Matthew happened to be in the room and was hiding. I did not know Matthew was in the room or I might have behaved differently."

"You bloody well were seducing the man."

"That was my job during the war Matthew he meant nothing to me as you well know. You see it was then Matthew knew he also was fond of me. When Lord Waynemoore went to assault my person Matthew came out of hiding and fight between the men started. Waynemooor picked up a letter opener to stab Matthew with and I screamed and jumped in between them. The letter opener sunk into my chest and I almost died. Matthew always felt guilty I did something so irresponsible, but the truth is I would do it again today if the need arose. I loved him then and I love him now, nothing will ever let me stand back and watch the one I love be hurt. So, Alex, what Cordy did was all in the name of love her heart would not let it see you hurt. It is the way with love we cannot change it we have to accept it."

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