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2 months later

Cordy was sitting in the Duchesses Study going over her books. Since she had been staying with the Duchess she had not encountered the Duke. She knew Simon had sent him out on a mission, so when he strolled into the study she was as surprised as he was.

"What are you doing here?"

"I have been staying with your mother since the party, she is sponsoring my season, since my parents stayed with my aunt and uncle to help them overcome their grief. And you your grace what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit my mother."

Cordy looked at the clock on the mantel.

"Your grandmother is free, but your mother will be chaperoning in about ten minutes."

"Who pray tell is my mother chaperoning?"

"Me of course the season has started, and your mother is under orders by the king I should be married by the end of the season or he will make the match himself. It seems when you give a woman a title they are duty bound to produce and heir."

"Cordy what are you talking about a title?"

"I was bestowed the title of the Marquess of Sotbys and the Earl of Banesmoore to pass down to my sons. It seems rather silly to be a titled nobleman without all the perks a man gets."

Just then the butler Giles enter the study. He bowed and smiled not at the Duke but Cordy.

"Your Ladyship, your fist guest has arrived. I have

informed the Duchess and she will be down momentarily"

"Thank you, Giles, I will join him in a moment. Could you please bring refreshment in?

"Yes, your ladyship."

Cordy went out into the foyer and found the Duchess coming down the stairs. She stopped midway down.

"Alex what brings you for a visit?"

"I did not know I needed a reason to visit my mother."

"Normally you do not but I have been busy with my chaperoning duties. Lady Burkhart is quite the incomparable this year, and since the king has given her a deadline to find a husband we have been extremely busy. Perhaps you can come by after the season for a visit. I am sure things will calm down by then."

She finished her decent and she and Cordy entered the parlor Alex followed. Lord Leics stood when the ladies entered and bowed to Alex.

"I did not know I would be entertained by the Duke as well as you two lovely ladies."

Cordy answered.

"He stopped by to visit with his mother, he is just leaving."

Alex sat down on the sofa apparently not going anywhere.

"I can spare sometime, after all I haven't seen Lord Leics since we both left school. It is the perfect time to catch up."

Cordy couldn't help it she knew she should hold her tongue the Duchess had told her if she wanted her plan to capture Addies heart she would have to play the proper young lady.

"I did not know the two of you were of the same age. I didn't imagine men of such tender years paying court. I am astounded. I heard on great authority men before the age of five and twenty are not ready to do something as distasteful as marriage."

She heard Alex grumble, that wasn't what he had said.

Lord Leics was the one who answered.

"I do not know it seems more civilized to find a woman who is compatible and settle down no matter what age. I was never one to try to make a reputation as a rake."

Cordy jumped in.

"That is good to know Lord Leics. I know for myself I would not want a man who is not ready to settle, because I would expect the man I marry to be faithful."

He knew the words were directed at him, but Leics answered.

"I think it most appropriate for a man to settle down after marriage no matter what age they marry. The bible states "A man shall leave his father and his mother; and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24. Since a husband and wife are considered one flesh, the responsibility to one's spouse comes first."

Alex laughed to himself Leics was always a prude he had no passion within him. It would be justice if Cordy married a prude and lived a passionless life.

"See here Leics don't you think cleaving to one's wife is nice but having the responsibility to one's spouse would pleasing them as well. After all Lady Burkhart is a passionate young woman. Are you not Cordy."

"Do not use my given name, and this is not a topic of discussion between people who are not entangled."

It was the Duchess who stepped in to cease this awkward conversation.

"Alex it is time for you to leave. You have made this a most awkward visit."

Lord Lecis stood.

"I should be leaving. If I might I would like to ask for the honor of your first dance at the Stratton Ball tonight."

Cordy was about to answer when Alex jumped in.

"She has promised it to me."

He could see the anger on Cordy's face, but she was trying to be polite and not say anything to cause a scene.

"I must have forgotten I promised the first dance to his grace. If you would permit me I would like to save you a waltz."

Lord Lecis bowed,

"Until our waltz tonight My Lady."

The Duchess quietly left the room before the blow up between the couple happened.

"What on earth are you trying to do, ruin my chances of finding a good match. Remember you don't want me you're too young. I have no voice in this matter I must be married before the end of the season or the King gets to choose the man I will marry."

"Do you not want a love match."

He could see the anger flare within her. She was too hot blooded for the meek and mild Lord Lecis.

"Of course, I want a love match but that isn't going to happen because the fool I fell in love with is still a child. And it will not be said the Marquess of Sotby and the Earl of Banesmoore is a cradle robber."

She started to storm out of the room and because she had knowledge and it was Addie and he had made her mad she decided to give him a piece of gossip she had heard.

"Remember your anniversary to Lady Cummings is Saturday and the lady is hoping for jewels. If you go to see your jeweler she has already picked out the piece she would like to receive. Also, Lady Fairchild was disappointed you missed out on your tryst with her. She was hoping you would come back to town so you two can resume your friendship."

She turned and walked out of the room. She could hear him complain.

"Damn woman does not know when to keep her bloody mouth shut"

Cordy walked back into the room rage filling her senses.

"If I remember correctly you like when my mouth is open and pressed against yours your grace."

Then she was gone, and she could hear him laughing. She was right he did prefer her that way.  

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