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September 12, 1830

Tonight, was their first anniversary. They had a blissful first year. Cordy had a special night planned. She had a privet dinner planned with candlelight and roses which she had scattered over the entire bed. When Alex arrived back to Addison Hall he took the stairs two at a time. He had been away from Cordy for a fortnight and it was much to long, but she hadn't been feeling well enough to travel and he had to be in London for business.

When he reached their bedchamber, he stopped to collect himself the last thing he wanted Cordy to think was he couldn't do with out her. He knew it to be true, but she didn't need to know it. When he walked in there was a table and place setting they would be having dinner in their room. She knew as soon as he walked into the room his scent was in the room before he was. She stood by the window the last rays of the sun radiating around her. She looked like an angel coming from heaven. He walked over to her and put his arms around her and started to kiss her neck.

"Are you feeling any better your grace."

She laughed.

"Yes, your grace I feel much better now. Come let us share a meal. I have something to share with you."

"That is not what I am hungry for wife."

He swept her up and carried her over to the bed. He started to shed his clothing two weeks was too long to be away from her. If she couldn't travel with him he would just stay home. Cordy made love to Addie like it had been their first time. She liked when let her make love to him after all it was only fair she get to pleasure him as he did her. When they were both spent and exhausted Cordy led Alex to the table. On the plate was a small box. He opened it and laughed. It was a stick pin to the townhouse. She had never given him one and it had always been a joke between them.

"Why now Luv?"

She smiled at him,

"We are going to have a baby and I might not be able to make my Wednesday game nights this season."

He knocked over the table getting up so fast. He picked Cordy up and twirled her arounds. She had just made him the happiest man in the world. He was so glad he listen to his heart instead of his head and married Cordy she was the best thing that every happened to him.  

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