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At two Cordy went down to the library where Howell had his desk. She sat with a single candle going over the books. Cordy

was a little sad Addie hadn't joined her. It was probably for the best, but she couldn't help being a little disappointed he hadn't shown up.

Alex was playing billiards with Howell. No matter what Cordy said he didn't want her to get caught going through his things. Howell wanted to play for money and Alex was fine with that since he was and excellent billiards player, but he was willing to throw the game to see if he can get the information he needed instead it was Howell who seemed to be asking the questions.

"What is your interested in my cousin?"

"She is quite beautiful. I like beautiful woman."

"You two seem to have a personal relationship."

Alex laughed

"I was just introduced to her today, she is a flirt and I like to flirt that is about it."

"What's the story with the two of you, all the two of you do is glare at each other."

Alex didn't think he would answer and was surprised when he did.

"We had a misunderstanding a couple of years back and we have not made up yet. I am hoping this weekend things will change between us."

"That must have been hard since your two families seem very close."

"It wasn't much of a problem we don't travel in the same circles, and I don't really get along with my parents, so its not a big hardship. To be honest I don't think anyone would miss me if I were gone if my parents had another heir I would be passed over to inherit. If Charles wasn't inline to be the Duke my father would make him his heir."

"That's hard. I was always the dutiful son. Never had a problem with my family."

Howell shot him a look

"Your father died when you were ten you didn't have time to disappoint him."

"Very true, but I would like to think I lived the life he would have wanted me too."

They didn't talk any more Howell seemed to be angry. He almost came unhinged when Cordy strolled into the billiard room.

"What are you doing up at this time?"

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to go over the books you know how numbers seem to relax me."

"Go to bed Cordy you shouldn't be down here."

"Why can't I watch? I'm not bothering anyone."

It was the look Addie had given her that made her decide she should go to bed. She left her perch and stormed out of the room. Howell stormed after her. He didn't know what happened between the two of them but he knew he didn't want them to meet alone. He entered the hallway where the two of them were talking. Howell had his hand on her arm, and Alex could see the fear in Cordy's face and he suddenly felt like punching Howell in the face.

"Do not think I have forgotten what you did to me."

"I did not think you would and if you do not release me I will be glad to refresh your memory?"

Alex who had to pass them to get to his room stopped in front of the pair.

"Is there something wrong?"

Howell removed his hands from Cordy and walked off. Once he was out of ear shot Alex spoke.

"Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine. I did garner a little information tonight. Whatever is happening it will be happening before the end of the week. You might want to tell Othello about it. I still have not found a list. I did find a note saying there will be a meeting on Monday in the library at midnight. It was not addressed to anyone, but it was signed D. I know his handwriting and it was  not written by Howell. So, whoever he is passing the list to is already here or arriving soon, so the note implies."

Cordy saw Alex go pale, what was on the list causing him to worry?

"Cordy you listen to me and listen to me well. You do not go anywhere with out a chaperone go nowhere alone."

"Addie you're scaring me."

"Good now go in your room and lock your door."

He waited till he heard the lock click then he went to find a runner to take a message to Simon. He needed someone to watch the Marquess and Cordy until they could figure out who else was on the list. 

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