How to Confront Your Best Friend About Possible Pregnancy. By: Steve G. Rogers

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Steve woke up in the morning to the sound of Logan crying. He looked at the clock, pleased to see it was a reasonable time in the morning. He turned on the hall light and walked to the nursery, picking up Logan and holding him, relieved that James hadn't woken up. Much like his name sake- he slept like a rock.

Steve shushed him softly and smiled, bouncing over to the kitchen. He put Logan in his high chair and grabbed a sippy cup and some milk, along with a small jar of baby food. "Lucky you- getting all of this fancy baby food. My mom had to squash an apple with a knife to make apple sauce." He hummed, feeding him slowly.

Thor stepped into the room shortly after, kissing his husbands cheek. "Is it not time for your run with Sam? I can take over for the food." He said, taking the baby food as Steve nodded and went to the bedroom to change. He met Sam in the lobby and they made their way over to Central Park, chatting casually.

"Hey Steve, I dunno how to phrase this exactly but have you noticed something off about Bucky recently?" Steve nodded, not wanting to give his inner thoughts away. "Good I'm not going crazy." He sighed and rolled up the sleeves on his sweatshirt. "He's been super distant recently, and he's taken to "accidentally" falling asleep in the common room. I touch him and he flinches- It sounds dark but maybe he isn't interested anymore?" Sam said, phrasing it as a question.

Steve shook his head, "No I know he still loves you, I can see right through him. He can get like that- the self deprecation, the self hate. I mean if I was him I'd fall into that sinkhole.." Steve had his own personal theory about what was up, but that was something he didn't want to bring up. It could be bad if he was wrong, and could be really bad if he was right.

"He won't talk to me- maybe it has to do with me? Can you try and talk to him? I don't want you to spy or anything but.." "you want me to spy for you?" "Pretty much." Sam said, dropping the act. Steve chuckled and nodded, "I'll see how much I can get out of him." He assured his friend, starting to run at the park gates.


Steve sent Sam on an errand to make sure he was out of the building for a little while. Steve searched the common room first and found Bucky in the kitchen, who jumped and scrambled to put everything he was eating away. "Buck?" "You little punk you scared me." He said, putting on a normal bravado, but it was clearly an act. "For a professional spy and assassin you're a god awful actor." Steve replied, raising an eyebrow.

Bucky rolled his eyes and sighed, letting his actual demeanor free. "You're right... I feel like shit.." he sighed and rubbed his back slightly, leaning against the kitchen island. "Well Buck..." Steve sighed, unsure how to approach this. He looked around for anyone else and sighed, "I think you might be pregnant..." Bucky stayed silent for a moment before grabbing Steve and hauling him into the elevator. He searched his whole floor for Sam, finding that the coast was clear.

Steve sighed and looked over at him, jumping slightly when Bucky grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the master bathroom, locking the bedroom door and the bathroom door, looking around for any hidden cameras or bugs. "You're right... but Steve you can't tell anyone." He begged, grabbing him by the shoulders, clearly panicked. "Buck I-" "I know I'm pregnant I'm not stupid... I just don't know what to do." He sat at the edge of the bathtub, head in his hands.

Steve got down on his knees in front of him so they were face to face. "I mean... this is the 21st century- if you don't want it..." "I'm a monster, I'm not allowed to want it." "Buck-" "No! You're the family man- you're- you're fucking Captain America! And you were b-born with the parts! It's normal! Mine were shoved into me by scientists trying to create a new race! This isn't natural! I'm a monster!" He shouted, grabbing Steve's wrist.

"James Barnes you are not a monster!" Steve shouted back, holding him by his jaw. "And you're allowed to want your own kid!" "Ah! Don't say that!" He yelled, turning his face away. "I-it's not a kid... it's... it's... I dunno! I just don't want to hear it!" Bucky sighed and slid down onto the floor, leaning against the tub. "I can't do this- I'm not mom material! Or dad material for that matter! I'm broken- I'll break them!" "No you won't!" "Easy for you to say you're perfect- you and Thor look like the advertisement for a gated community! The perfect nuclear family. I can't have that.. not with Sam.."

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