How to Handle the Stress of Labor Scares and Secrets. By: Sam Wilson

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The couple sat next to each other in the conference room, Fury standing above the team explaining the next mission. Bucky didn't technically have to be present but he was clingy, and wanted to be within at least 30 yards of the father-to-be at all times. The clinginess was a great excuse since he wanted to know the details of every mission, ya da ya da "the avengers can handle themselves." Bullshit.

If it hadn't been for Bucky's sniping several of them would've ended up dead. Cap was always able to trace back the arc of the bullet, finding Bucky laying on top of a stray building. He always gave him a disappointed look and in turn he would receive Bucky flipping him off and already moving onto the next target. Thankfully, the blond never brought it up. Bucky liked helping, but sniping while heavily pregnant was um... really fucking difficult. It involved a lot of laying on his side and having to twist his spine to make his head reach the gun. Yeah so, not fun, but he knew he had to be out there.

Nick moved onto the second phase of the operation at the HQ table, and Bucky tensed his lips, feeling a small pain wrap around his stomach. It was small, he could ignore it, it was fine, but the pain quickly got worse and worse, to the point of his hand squeezing Sam's incredibly hard under the table where they were previously holding hands. Sam's eyes shot open from their half focused state, looking around at his partner, whom was trying to be inconspicuous and was still facing Fury, but the veins in his neck were jutting out, and a bead of sweat was rolling down the side of his face. Sam quickly moved his hand to his arm so he wouldn't have to deal with a broken hand.

Fuck... the pain was almost constant. Bucky chewed at the inside of his cheek to keep himself from breaking his own teeth. He hated it as the idea floated through his head but it was true, a mouth guard would be real fuckin' helpful right about now. Breathe... just breathe it'll be over... it'll be fine. They might be fake, just practice. Please god say they're just practice... "Barnes?" His eyes shot up, looking at Natasha. "What's going on?" Everyone turned to look over at him and he gave the fellow Russian a very annoyed death glare.

"Nothing." He said, not realizing how strained it came out. "You're sweating bullets and you're gripping Sam's arm for dear life." "I'm fine- fuck!" He let out a sharp gasp and leaned forward in his seat, squeezing his eyes closed. Tony jumped up and tried to get away like it was contagious. "Baby! Labor shit!" He shouted, pointing at Bucky. "For fucks sake Tony..." Sam said, glaring at the inventor before turning back to his boyfriend. "Are you? In labor?" "I dunno... it's not going away through- like aren't they supposed to fade and come back?" He asked in desperation. Fuck he didn't want to go into labor right now either!

"If it's just one constant cramp that probably means it's fake contractions and not real ones." Bruce said, "I do recommend you two going to one of the bedrooms to work through it and then come back." He added, giving him a knowing look of "being the center of attention sucks." Bucky nodded and stood up with some help from Sam, being helped into one of the side rooms. "Fuck this actually sucks so much..." he whined, leaning forward on the bed post, Sam trying to help him through it. It was over a few minutes later and Bucky knew that he probably wouldn't be secretly tagging along for this mission, not if those little fuckers came back.

They returned and Bucky spent the rest of the time peacefully zoning out, falling asleep on Sam's shoulders for a little while, thankfully not snoring. "Barnes!" Fury shouted and the brunet snapped awake, a little groggy. "Sir yes sir!" He shouted, being a gut response to hearing his last name. Steve giggled a little bit under his hand and looked at his friend who eventually found the root of the voice. "You aren't tagging along for this mission correct?" Bucky glared at him in betrayal for exposing his secret, shifting his jaw. "No Fury I will not." He said honestly, avoiding eye contact with Sam who he knew was trying to burn holes in his skull with the shear force of his glare.

How to Freak Out an Emotionally Unstable Super Soldier. By: Sam WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now