How to Beat Up Bad Guys and Deliver A Baby. By: James B. Barnes

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Bucky eyes slammed open when he heard the sound of the sliding glass door on the balcony opening. He looked over at Sam who was dead asleep, turning back around and sliding out of the bed, pulling the gun out from under his pillow, and screwing on the silencer from the drawer. He pushed himself to his feet quickly, not taking a second to adjust his balance. Bucky slipped on his boots laying on the bedside, he knew he would need the grip.

He crept like a cat closer to the door, opening it quietly. He took a step out and felt a hand wrap around his mouth. He growled and bit the mans finger, grabbing him by his neck and flipping him forward, slamming him against the ground. He'd recognize that goddamn emblem on the jacket anywhere. Bucky turned around and found four other men in the living room, all glaring right at him.

The soldier moved quick, as did they. The men surged him all at once, attempting to over power him. Shot to the neck, a man grabbed his arm and he flipped him around, stomping on his neck. A man grabbed him from behind and Bucky kicked his legs up, leaning back and body slamming him on the ground, grabbing a stray knife on the floor and stabbing backward, hitting what he only could assume was an eye socket by the sound. He panted weakly and groaned as the pain of the fall radiated through his body.

Two left. He got up quickly, going against the crying pain of his stomach and leg muscles. The standing one shot at him, Bucky swiftly blocking the bullet with his arm, running forward and leaping on top of him, flipping his body over until he heard a satisfactory crack come from his thighs. He landed on the ground, not wavering for a second before charging the first victim who had since stood up, the adrenaline helping him ignore the pain in his body. He grabbed his gun from the floor and gave him a quick shot to the head.

The sound of the last body hitting the floor forced Bucky to return to reality, and the reality of the seizing pain around his torso. He took deep breaths, squeezing his eyes shut and leaning against the counter. It was over just a few seconds later and his eyes shot open again. "Fuck... I think this is the real thing." He whispered, staring at the stove clock projecting 3:30 am. He rubbed his back, getting up and finishing the job in the best way he knew how, throwing the bodies off the balcony.

Bucky made sure the streets were clear below, he was considerate.

He could've disposed of the bodies more discreetly, but he knew the bodies would serve as a big Try And Fuck With Me sign to Hydra and the rest of their worthless goons. After tossing the last one over the pain came back with a vengeance. He leaned over the balcony railing and struggled to take deep breaths like he was told. Fuck these hurt like a bitch.

It left as suddenly as it came and he walked back through the living room, over to the elevator and moving down to the common room, grabbing a glass of from the cupboard and getting some water. He leaned against the counter, letting out a soft groan, trying to keep quiet to prevent anyone from waking up. Natasha walked out of the bathroom and looked over at him. "Why are you up?" "Kind of in labor." Bucky smirked, biting his lip, "How 'bout you?" Natasha blinked away the strong feeling of deja vu, walking over to her friend.

"Damn, did it wake you up?" "No something else did." He said, looking up to his room. "I heard." She smirked. "By the time I was awake enough to fight the noises stopped. I see you made it out alright." "Despite the fact I have an infant playing games with my muscles I guess you're right." The brunette said, letting out another groan, panting quickly. Bucky looked at the clock again. 3:47 am. This baby was wasting no time.

"Come on, lets get you back up to Sam." "No, not yet, I just need a little bit of calm, just a few minutes of calm please." He said, walking over to the kitchen table to sit down and power through the rest of the contraction. Natasha sighed and gave up, no point in trying. When it was over he chugged the rest of his water, shakily setting the glass down.

How to Freak Out an Emotionally Unstable Super Soldier. By: Sam WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now