How to Dramatically Enter a Fight. By: James B. Barnes

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Bucky leaned back on the couch, Nadia in his arms as the 4 month old suckled against his chest like her life depended on it, which in a way it sort of did.

It was embarrassing the first time he nursed her definitely, making Sam leave the room, only allowing Dr. Yao to stay if she averted her eyes. He'd been through enough torture of femininity, enough to blissfully forget about this part of motherhood. The first time she cried and he felt his shirt get wet, that was the uncomfortable reminder. After the tenth time he was so tired, he could care less who saw him in such a state, passed out against Sam as their daughter drained all the life force she could from him.

At the moment he was laid back on the couch arms, listening in on the radio transmitter for the team. After the first time Sam got back out in the field he was so paranoid, and begged Stark to give him an ear piece to listen in, just to lessen his fear. As it were, he had full combat gear on from the waist down, just in case. He moved his fingers through the baby's soft curls as she pulled away, evidently satisfied. Bucky sat up and burped her gently, she obliged and giggled softly, staring up at him. He smiled back at her and kissed her forehead, admiring the cute patterned onesie.

He jolted up as he heard Stark's voice through the comm, startling her slightly. "Pepper, Fury, we need back up, these guys are severely outnumbering us!" And then a faint crackled "Stark No!" That sounded vaguely like Sam. He rolled his eyes and smirked. Sam knew what that meant. Bucky set Nadia in her little swing, and she happily bounced up and down as her mommy got dressed. He quickly pulled on the sleeve and jacket, tightening the belts one by one and grabbing his gun from the floor and strapping it to his back, slipping on the new (removeable) goggles Tony made him.

After a quick stop dropping Nadia off with Pepper, he ran into the field. He hopped on his bike and sped towards the action, weaving through jammed city traffic. He was a professional at escaping and evading after all.

"Mother Russia 10 o'clock." Clint said as he fired an arrow, looking out of his peripheral. "Goddamn it..." Sam muttered over comm, looking over, Stark playfully blasting "My Boyfriend's Back" in everyone's ear pieces, Bucky cocking the automatic and blasting down a row of the aliens in one fail swoop. "What the fuck did you guy's do?" He asked, rolling his eyes as he took out another wave of them, grabbing one by the neck and slamming it on the ground after flipping it over his head.

"Not our fault we have a baby Loki on our hands." Tony groaned as he broke himself out of one of their holds. "Cap's already got the little fuckin' leader held down, doesn't stop these bastards apparently. Not everything is as easy as The Battle of New York I guess." Bucky sighed and worked diligently to take most of the drones in his area out. "You get back in shape quick Barnes." Natasha commented casually as she snapped a neck off the shoulders. "What can I say? Botched Russian serum definitely helps the post-baby bounce back." "You should write an article for a mother's magazine about that trick." She joked casually as she reloaded.

"Where's Nadia?" Sam asked from above, swooping down over Bucky. "With Pepper, no worries. She likes her." He replied whilst being picked up by the shoulders to take an aerial shot at them, covering more ground. "Are you alright to be out here?" "Besides the left side of my suit being suspiciously wet, I think I'm good." He said with a soft smirk, taking out a few more and reloading. That seemed to be the last of them, Sam slowly gliding to the ground with Bucky as Stark's next choice of music was the USSR theme. Bucky snorted and rolled his eyes, casually humming along as he walked back to the circle.

Nadia squealed and held out her hand as she saw her parents, taking off the goggles and softly chewing on them as Bucky carried her back to their floor. He was too tired to mind really. "Hey cutie pie." Sam cooed, kissing her forehead. She responded with some soft noises of joy and rolled around on their king bed watching them get out of uniform.

They laid down on either side of her, smiling at her gently. "I missed you so much." Bucky said with a smile, as much as he liked the adrenaline of being back in the field, a few more weeks of maternity leave couldn't hurt, especially when he got to be with his baby girl the whole time. (Sam wouldn't mind a little more paternity leave either)

Before the peaceful moment officially passed she began to cry again, and the couple smiled, picked her up and attempted to figure out the whole parenthood thing once again.

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