How to Take Care of Your Emotional, Unstable Super Soldier. By: Sam Wilson

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"Buck do you want a beer?" Sam asked as he was grabbing everyone's drinks for their weekly family dinner. Bucky nervously made eye contact with Steve who nodded a little bit before turning back to the twins. Fuck. Now was the time. "Nah I don't want to fuck up the kid." He said casually in reply, despite his leg shaking under the table, "Well it's not like you're feeding it to Logan- you 1940's dudes are only allowed to make the 'whiskey's good for a cold' mistake once." Steve chuckled and blushed. He was definitely guilty of that.

Bucky looked over at him, "Well, I'm not talking about Logan am I? Or James." "Well babe there's no other kids in the tower- who would you be hurting by having a beer?" Bucky sighed and avoided eye contact. "Our kid dumbass." He said, trying to sound playful despite his heart dropping to his stomach. Sam paused in the kitchen and the whole team at the dining table paused as well, with the exception of Peter, Natasha, Tony and Steve. Thor was about to get up and congratulate before Steve gripped his shoulder in a warning, putting his finger to his lips.

"Our... our kid?" Sam asked, looking over at him and allowed his eyes to drop down to his stomach. Bucky nodded softly, not wanting to look at his face, scared of the expression that might be present. Sam ran over and hugged him, setting the open beers on the table and pulling away, "oh my god- fuck- you're pregnant, Holy shit, there's a baby!" "I know!" Bucky said, smiling and tearing up because he couldn't help it. Sam hugged him again and kissed him deeply, Bucky pushing away and holding a hand over his mouth. The taste and the smell of the beer was a lot to handle, and he ended up sprinting into the bathroom, head attached to the toilet for the next fifteen minutes.

Sam froze in confusion, not quite sure what to do. "Well, Go help your man, daddy." Natasha said with a slight smirk as he nodded and ran to the bathroom, helping Bucky through the episode. In the time before they came back one of the beers mysteriously ended up by Peter's plate. Tony glared at him and Peter gaped innocently. "Wha? How'd that get there?" Tony put his head in his hands and sighed. "For fucks sake..." Steve snorted a little and cleaned up around James's mouth. "Thanks for the training on how to deal with teenagers Tony." He joked.

After a few minutes Bucky returned, looking a little pale and worse for wear, but so incredibly happy. Natasha jumped up and hugged him, "I get to be an aunt again!" She cheered in a sing song way. Bucky smiled weakly and was soon receiving hugs from most of the team, Thor almost cracking his ribs. Children that (thankfully) weren't his own were still a blessing.

Pepper greeted him after dinner with a few pieces of paper she had printed out. "These are vitamins to buy, what foods are good for you and what you cannot have. Behind those are a few obstetricians to look into visiting. All passed background checks. One of them was Steve's." Bucky was a little taken aback by the efficiency but also loved it. "Wow, alright thanks!"

"You're what? 17 weeks along?" Bucky presses a hand to his stomach, a little panicked that she can just eyeball it. "Oh no sweetie I asked JARVIS to estimate during my research." He let out a small sigh of relief. "Anyway, you need to start going to the doctor, I know you have an aversion to them and it makes sense but you have to get regular checkups." Bucky nodded a little bit and thanked her, setting the folder on the counter.

He found himself being stormed with advice, congrats and knowledge. It was all a little overwhelming. Okay- a lot overwhelming. Tony tried to talk tech with him about security and all that jazz and he just couldn't take it. He sprinted out of the common room and up to his floor, curling up on a pile of pillows and blankets he made for himself, trying to calm down and absorb everything that just went down, but calming down didn't quite seem like an option, so he just cried, which devolved into sobbing.

Sam bursted through the bedroom door, looking down at his partner. "Baby why are you crying?" He asked, sitting on the bed and caressing his cheek, wiping tears with the pad of his thumb. "I-I don't knooooow." He said, breathing shallowly and quickly as he looked over at his boyfriend, gripping onto him and crying into his shoulder. Sam smiled a little bit and ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it back behind his ears. "Was it all the people?" Bucky sheepishly nodded. "I-I'm still no-ot that g-good with c-c-c-crowds." He stuttered, "I know baby it's okay." He hugged him close and let Bucky continue to cry.

Bucky had moved into straddling his boyfriend, his head tucked into his neck as Sam slowly rubbed his back, trying to help him calm down. "Th-th-th-they were all f-f-flying questions a-and ad-v-v-vice at me..." he stuttered out, Sam shushing him gently, "Don't try and talk right now baby, your stutter is coming back." "I know..." Bucky sniffled and continued to cry, the emotion slowly passing.

"Darlin'?" Bucky looked up at the new pet name, his eyes and nose red, but there was a small smile on his face. "Yeah?" "Can I feel it?" Bucky nodded, laying back on the bed and taking off his t-shirt. "Wow..." Sam whispered, smiling and resting a hand on it. "We're having a baby..." he grinned from ear to ear and pressed a small kiss on the bump. "You're already so big.." "Wow thanks." The elder mumbled, rolling his eyes. "No I mean like, god baby, you didn't have to hide it from me for that long. What are you? 3 months?" "4 months..." Bucky mumbled, blushing and looking up at him. "Oh James..." he sighed and moved up on the bed to kiss him softly.

"If this ever happens again, you are telling me the minute you find out alright? I want to help you every step of the way." Bucky nodded and smiled, cuddling back into him and wincing a little bit, pressing a hand to his back. "What's the matter?" "Just my back, nothing to worry about..." he said, blushing a little bit. "Well c'mon, sit up, find something good on the tv and I'll give you a back rub how about that?" Sam said, sitting up on the bed. "Sammy it's fine... I don't need it." "Uh yeah, ya do, if that face you pulled is any indication." "I'm pregnant stuff is going to hurt..." "but it doesn't have to."

Bucky groaned and admitted defeat, struggling to push himself upright in bed which was slightly amusing for Sam to watch but he couldn't show it. He helped him up the rest of the way and handed Bucky the remote, rubbing at the base of his spine slowly. He sighed and looked at all the marks littering his back, gun shot wounds, lashing marks, taser marks. He slowly pressed a finger to the scar between the metal and flesh, finding it incredibly hot. "It gets irritated when I freak out like that." He mumbled, "I'm sure it was just another intimidation tactic to keep me from leaving."

Sam sighed and pressed a kiss to the shoulder wound, Bucky smiling to himself, sniffling a little bit. Sam returned to dutifully rubbing his back, smiling as he heard small moans trapped in the base of his boyfriend's throat. He was doing something right. Bucky turned on a show Tony had recommended and watched with half a focus. When he was fully satisfied with the back rub he leaned back against Sam, guiding the large dark hands to rest over the bump, which was a lot more prominent when sitting up a little. He fell asleep quickly, Sam smiling and moving him a little bit so they could both be more comfortable and Sam could still have his hands all over the bump if he wanted.

How to Freak Out an Emotionally Unstable Super Soldier. By: Sam WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now