How to Accidentally Tell Team Members You're Pregnant. By: James B. Barnes

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Bucky woke up the next week after the appointment with Bruce and his mind was set, he wanted his kid. He knew he had too tell everyone but first... Oh god.. He felt the bile rise in his throat as he threw up in the toilet, the remnants of the dishes from his romantic night with Sam still there. It was probably nice for Sam but it was torture for Bucky, knowing something that could tear their relationship to pieces in an instant.

Bucky coughed and wheezed in and out. Ugh... He hadn't thrown up for a few days, and he still wasn't used to the feeling. He stood up and wiped his lips over, panting and taking a water bottle and getting dressed. He kissed the brown curly hair from under the sheets before he headed out.

Bucky went down to the gym, the only for sure way to let out some aggression he was feeling. He was mad at Sam, mad at himself, mad at Bruce for confirming everything. It was exhausting just existing. He had thrown up before he arrived, threw up during his work out, and even chugging a gallon of sugary soda wouldn't make that taste leave his mouth. He was surviving off of mints, saltines and ginger ale for the most part, oh, and another great addition, he had to pee almost constantly.

Finishing up said act he looked at himself in the mirror. His face was hollow, and he definitely didn't look... good to say the least. He was washing his hands, and to his surprise Natasha walked in a few seconds later.

He looked over and was going to comment about how this was the men's room but obviously she didn't care. She was smoking a cigarette, which she rarely did and blew the smoke in Bucky's face, in a motion he knew was on purpose. She smirked softly and inhaled again, "aren't you worried about people smoking around you? It's so bad for the baby." She teased gently. She knew he was pregnant, and in all honesty she was more than slightly bitter he hadn't told her yet, so she knew how to get it out of him. A split second of fear paralyzed him before he went back to drying his hands.

"I'm not pregnant Natalia don't be stupid..." He grumbled. She continued on, ignoring him. "It's too late for the big A, I know somewhere where you can sell it-" she said, poking him with her fingertips on his lower stomach. "I'm not going to sell my bab...y... fuck" he paused quickly and let out a deep prolonged sigh. "And there we have it. James what are you going to do?" She asked, leaning against the wall. "It is Sam's right?" She asked slowly. "Of course it's his!" He hissed, glaring at her and crossing his arms over his stomach.

"Well? What are you going to do?" Bucky sighed, "honestly I'm not sure... Steve knows, that's about it. I don't know how to tell Sam, or how he'll react for that matter." Nat nodded, looking down at his stomach, which was starting to poke out. "You don't have long.." "I know I know..." he grumbled, tugging his shirt down.

"Well, whatever you decide and what ever you need I'll be here alright? Us commies have to stick together." Bucky laughed tiredly and nodded, smiling and looking over at her. "Okay Nat, I'll tell you everything from now on alright?" She nodded and smiled. She put out the cigarette under the faucet, waving away the smoke before Stark had a hissy fit for smoking in the gym. "Can I have one?" "Bad for the baby remember?" "Since when?" "Since modern science was invented- well after your time." She chuckled and Bucky glared at her, sighing.

He was about to leave before his neck lurched, and he dove into the bathroom stall to throw up once again. She was a little shocked, but followed him and held his hair back, tying it in a ponytail, like a good Big Sister would.


Bucky stirred his coffee with a small spoon, sitting on the kitchen island and looking over at Steve. "I'm going to start to get fat soon..." "Hey at least you only have the one." He said with a soft chuckle. "People are going to touch my stomach and I'm going to end up punching them out.." "Good! You definitely should. I wish I could've a few times." Steve said, the supportive friend as always. "I still can't think of a way to tell him I'm pregnant." There was a small gasp from above and Bucky groaned, turning his head up to look at Stark's newly acquired pet spiderdweeb. "Oh god fucking dammit.." he said, face palming.

"Mr. Barnes I won't tell I promise!" He said, falling down from the ceiling in shock and whining on the floor. Tony walked in from the elevator in a huff. "What did I tell you about spying?" "I should only do it once I'm good at it..." Peter mumbled, getting up and off the floor. "So what's the hot gos? What's the tea?" Stark asked. Bucky looked at Steve and raised an eyebrow. "Um... there's ginger tea in the cupboard?" Bucky said, pointing there. Stark rolled his eyes and sighed, "not... that's not.. whatever. What's the gossip- the shit worth spying over?"

Bucky and Steve exchanged glances and he wasn't sure what to do. "I'm..." 'come on think of a lie quick you can do it.' "...pregnant." He said, panicking a little bit. Wait! Shit! That was supposed to be a lie! Fuck! He couldn't think straight at all.

"Oh." Tony clearly had no idea how to reply. "Goooood?" He asked, not sure what to feel until he knew how the other felt. "I mean I guess it's good." He sighed and looked down at his stomach which was starting to poke out. "I don't know how to tell Sam." "I mean you can always tell him the way Steve told Point Break, by punching him in the face." Steve blushed softly and looked away. Bucky laughed, and it felt like the first time he smiled all week.

"Mr. Barnes! You can always steal something from a sitcom!" Peter piped up, shrugging. "I mean I don't know a lot about this stuff. There was a girl who got knocked up at school once!- her name was Sophie she was nice and she just kind of wore big hoodies all the time and-" Tony looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Sorry Mr. Barnes I'm rambling..." he said, looking at the floor. "It's alright kid." He said, chuckling and looking back over at the adults.

"So? What do I do now?"

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