How to End A Fight And Get Two Babysitters. By: Steve G. Rogers

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Bucky stormed into the common room in a mad rage, his gear half on as he looked for anything to throw. The team got on high alert, Nastasha holding a knife between her fingers. "What's the matter?" Steve asked, holding James very close to his torso, covering his head with his hands. "Sam thinks I'm some useless piece of shit! That's what's the matter!" Sam bursted through the emergency staircase, clearly chasing after him. "Babe that's not what I said!" "He thinks I'm too fat to go on missions!" "That's not... ugh!" Sam yelled in frustration, hand to his forehead.

"Okay alright calm down.." Steve said, the rest of the team relaxing to their previous positions, only slightly unnerved that hormonal Bucky's appearance is very similar to winter soldier Bucky's appearance. "I will spit in your mouth if you tell me to calm down again Rogers!" He yelled, crossing his arms as Steve attempted to play marriage counselor.

"Okay Sam? What did you actually say?" "He was complaining that his gear wasn't fitting properly and all I suggested was that he shouldn't actively be doing missions now that he's pregnant." "I'm not incapacitated jackass!" Bucky shot back in a huff, refusing to look at him. "And he knows that! Right Sam?" "Of course I do." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Bucky- I know you want to help but you can't be doing missions in your state. Not because you're suddenly incapable of fighting, but because the kid could get hurt. And you're showing now- imagine what would go down if HYDRA agents saw you were pregnant. They would not hesitate to kick you directly in the stomach, or the chest for that matter, it's a weak point." Steve pointed out. Bucky begrudgingly nodded, nervously wrapping his arm around his stomach. "We can't technically stop you from doing whatever mission you were assigned, we just want you to think about it."

Bucky nodded softly and sighed, finishing clasping the last few belts on his gear, however strained they may look. "I mean you're right..." he mumbled. "I'm sorry what was that?" Steve asked, teasing him a little bit. "I said you're right okay! Jesus.." Bucky paced the kitchen and sighed, resting his hands on his hips.

"This is my last mission alright? I'll throw in the towel after this one until the kid's born. I promise, it's just a quick mission, I'll be gone 2 days at the most. Okay?" He asked. Sam sighed and nodded, kissing him gently, "if you die I'm gonna kill you." Sam warned. Bucky smiled and nodded, the two walking back up to their room.

Unsurprisingly he ended up just fine, despite definitely losing his balance a few times, throwing up once, a few bruises and a black eye, he was unharmed. He officially retired his gear for the meantime, much to Sam's relief, and he only went to the gym a few times a week, just to keep up his regimen.

That regimen slowly fell apart when everything started to hurt. His back ached, his feet hurt, his head hurt, for God's sake his organs hurt. Not to mention the pregnancy brain was hitting strong. Pregnancy brain affected most people pretty bad, but when you've had your mind fucked with for a few decades it definitely hit worse.

He would repeat sentences he just said, put clothes in the dishwasher, and on particularly bad days he had trouble remembering names and what year it was. Sam thought he was just being kinky with how secretive he was, turns out he just feared they'd get arrested. That turned from sexy to troubling real fast. Eventually he powered through it- somehow -but he was feeling pretty low about himself. Not remembering your own name had a habit of making you feel... stupid beyond all belief. After the worst of it had past, Steve had an idea for a way to give him his confidence back, and him and Sam some much needed baby-training.


"Alright Buck, Thor and I are going to Asgard for just a few hours for business reasons alright? So we want you two to watch the twins." Bucky froze from his action of stirring his coffee. He swallowed and bit his lip. "Are you sure Steve? I mean I wouldn't be comfortable leaving my kid alone with me and it's my kid!" He said, sighing a little bit and fixing his shirt which had ridden up slightly on his bump.

How to Freak Out an Emotionally Unstable Super Soldier. By: Sam WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now