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I woke up in the morning, in a room, I've never been in, on a bed I've never slept in, and in a house, I've never stepped one foot in. I don't remember what happened last night, I don't understand . . .

I turned to my left and scooted out of the bed. I then found my tattered clothes and shoes and decided:

Maybe It's best to get out of here

I looked for the nearest door. All of them were large and grandiose.

Well, looks like this ain't gonna be easy . . .

I walked over to the door in the left corner and pulled on it. When it opened, I saw nothing but books, ones on the occult and one on Fae lore. Other were mostly demonology and on ancient religions and languages.

Weird . . .

I closed the door and instead of Quiet it sent a loud Thud throughout the room and moved to the next door. I opened the door to possible freedom and when I opened the door, it wasn't what I truly expected. . .

Instead of an empty hallway to freedom, I see a grizzled man, possibly in his late twenties early thirties. He was wearing a tuxedo shirt with The Sleeves rolled up and a loosened tie. He wore dress pants and a shirt and a blunt look of anger to match.

Maybe I] should've tried this door first?

"Where are you going?"

"Home . . ." I said, a bit timidly.

"Well, you can try . . . but the Anesthetic will wear off soon enough," He pushed me back toward the bed.

"What do you me-AAAAAAAAAA," A surge of pain rushed through me and made me fall over into Constantine's arms.

"That was pretty quick," he set me on the bed and covered me up.

"What-what happened?" I asked.

Another World (John Constantine x reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now