These streets...

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The night was when all of the entities monster and other abnormal creatures came out, but you wouldnt know, as their practically seamless costumes, hopping and stealth and persuasion over the mere humans who just so happened But not reek havoc upon the New York streets, but to have a good time, to party like its 1829. Though there were the rules. Not just the occasional at home by sunrise, but not to cause any havoc, no world ending. With these consequences would be quite dire to the rule breaker quite dire

Enter a lone business man, all doused in white from head to toe, with a walk with a regal yet hasty stride through the crowded supernatural streets. His snow white clean suit keeping its shape as his equally white shoes tapping against the sidewalk as he slid past the groups of people, whether human or not he didn't quite care as that wasn't his quest.

He finally stood in front of the club. He stood on the dirty footprint stained, dingy red carpet and examined the exterior, from the big clean windows that showed provocative women and men grinding their hips and exposed parts as if to tempt him in to The bright neon blue lights beaming down on him almost burning his eyes and blinding him, before ultimately remembering what he was truly here for.

He sighed and walked in, immediately being greeted with a quite repetitive and deep Base vibrated through the large room. People jumping and gyrating their hips and other parts onto each other,

"Is this what they call dancing?" He raised an eyebrow curiously and proceeded forward.

Suddenly a velvet rope was clasped in front of him from his right with a large buff arm and hand, halting his progress. He turned his head in the direction.

"Sorry, no trespassing," His gruff deep voice boomed over the headache inducing music.

"This is quite important, If you could just-"

The buff man moved his body in the way of him casually, "sorry if youre not VIP, no pass simple as that..."

"Then I guess I'll have no choice..."

He pulls out a sack and grabs something out holding it in his fist tightly. Immediately he opens his fist and blew a glittery white dust in his face, briefly blinding the bouncer and ultimately knocking him out. He soon adjusted his suit jacket and sleeves and removed the velvet roped that separated him from the target and proceeded up the stairs

As he stepped up the final step he finally got his bearings. He saw couches lined against the wall each with women grinding against the males leg or fingers while they rubbing and unzipping the zipper on his crotch.

He just sighed, "Nymphs..."

He walked passed the seats examining the men until he saw him. Black hair and blue eyes stuck out as he sipped on the 100 dollar Champaign while the girls sat beside him caressing his chest and whispering seductively in his ear.

He immediately gets the feeling of being watched and he turns to the direction of the spy his eyes widening and triggered his fight or flight response. He shot up pushing the beautiful girls off of him and he takes off in the opposite direction.

Though he knew this was going to happen and came prepared he tossed a circular ball in his direction and as fast as it was thrown it exploded trapping him in a cloud of dust and ash and causing him to fall down he stairs.

He casually strolled as everyone passed beside him trying to get away from him. He stepped menacingly down the stair quickly combing back his hair, even though it didnt need fixing.

"James, we meet again," He looked down uncaring of his well being. He sat up and rubbed the back of her head.

"Ezekiel Long time n-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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