A Chance Encounter With Hell on Earth

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Your POV

I woke up in my messy bed the next day. Yesterday was such shit that I was too comfortable with sitting in the bed and crying my heart out until it was time for work

Unfortunately, I don't have time for that . . .

I managed to pull myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom with my clothes.

A nice hot shower to start the day.

I turned on the shower and got in. Using today's steam to blow off yesterday's steam and sulk in the shower. From school to work and home, nowhere is safe for someone like me. I can't get out of it all. It's all so. . .

I hop out of the shower, dry off and put my clothes of the day on.

I step out into the living room and examine my surroundings. No smell of breakfast or clanking of glass plates against the silverware My parents weren't anywhere to be seen. My parents must be out.

I took this as a sign to leave before they decide to come back. I left out the front door and didn't look back.

Outside the apartment building, I thought about what to do. Classes were on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I didn't have my night classes until. . . The night I decided to take a trip to the park and bask in what ounce of nature we have left.

I walked through the park and looked at all the joggers passing me by and the children playing tag. I sat on the bench and watched as the world passed me by. It must've been hours since sitting on the bench, maybe two or three, before I got up and started to walk down the empty path again.

It was a nice breather, being able to look around and not have people throw things or take glances at your cleavage or rear end. Pretty calming if you ask me.

suddenly bump into someone. The person dropped their lit cigarette into a puddle of water. I looked up at him but before I could analyze him his brows furrowed and he leaned down to pick up the wet and unlightable Cigarette.

"Oi' lady, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

I looked down embarrassed, "S-sorry sir, that seems to be a common occ-"

"Listen, lady, I don't get paid by the hour and these cigs ain't cheap," he poked at my chest sternly.

"Look I'll pay you, I just don't want any trouble," I backed away.

"trouble,' He took another cigarette out of the packet, "for trouble, you, and a lot of these New Yorkers, seem to be causing a lot of it . . ."

And just when my day wasn't going to shit. . .

I let my emotions get the better of me once again and I started tearing up. I just run away from the guy. I'm pretty sure he wasn't finished with me, but I didn't want to stick around and find out. Or I make a scene . . .

I ended up in another part of the park. A more broken down version where there are no people in sight. A perfect place to let go.

I started to cry even harder, I just seem to mess everything up in my life. People friendships, relationships. Anything you can think up of, I mess it up.

Constantine POV

The girl ran off in a huff, leaving everyone staring at me. . .

"How do you sleep at night?" A woman with her child asked me.

"Pretty good, I can't say the same for you," I smirked.

Everyone gave me a look and walk off. I guess I wasn't worth their time.

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