A Day in the Life of You

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(This features abusive parents, bullying and unwarranted sexual contact. Up there is the clothing you are wearing, enjoy the story)

Your POV

I woke up on a pretty normal Monday morning. The Sun was shining and the people's feet were tapping along the side of the street. I was going to try to make this week better than any other week. Unlike last week . . .

But I doubt it . . .

I sat up in my bed and stretched. Looking around my room I see that nothing's changed. the same group of teddy bears in the corner, same dull blue coated on the walls and the same mirror that faces me on my bed every day.

I to the closet and open it up. I pick out my outfit for the day (seen above) and for the shower. There, I open the door and pulled open the shower curtain. Then I turned on the shower, making sure it was extra hot and stepped inside.

Once I was finished, I turned off the shower and put on my clothes and hesitantly stepped out into the living room, there, my mother and father were eating at the table silently. I kept my head down and walked towards the table.

"G-good morning mom, dad," I did my best to fake a smile.

My mother stood up, "Look who decided to show up . . ."

Oh no . . .

She stared me up and down, "My mistake showed up, Right John?"

My father nodded.

"Well," I tried to change the subject, "What's for breakfast?"

My mom picks up a freshly made plate of eggs and sausage, "You mean this?" She then dumps it on the floor, "There you go . . ."

I shrug dejectedly and decide to pick something up on the way to school.

My mom then stepped in front of me, "Eat it. . ."


"EAT. IT," My mom gritted her teeth at me all while shoving me to the floor.

I could kick her and leave. . . but then I wouldn't have a home to come back to . . . I got on all fours.

I had my face then shoved into the food, "You're a WORTHLESS excuse for a daughter, you know that? Why can't you be like your Sisters or brothers, they're all married with high paying jobs. But here we have the runt of the family with her face in floor breakfast "

She put my backpack in my hands and shoved me out into the halls of the apartment building. I couldn't stand up for myself while being embarrassed right now. If she wasn't shoving my face in food, she was throwing glass and plates at me, beating me or my father was doing those for me.

But I was out of there, for now, I stepped out into the streets of New York. The Immediate sounds of chatter greeted me, but knowing I have no time to mess around, I covered my face with the scarf and quickly headed off towards College




I walked into the schoolyard a couple of minutes early, I had enough time to wipe my face off before anyone notices. Sadly that wouldn't last. . .

A couple of frat boys knock me over and spilled all of my breakfast on my clothes.

"Watch it, bitch," one of the guys said.

"Sorry. . ." I mumbled to myself.

God, why was I such a pushover. . .

Now I have another problem. I quickly ran inside of the school and into the nearest bathroom.

I opened the door to a generic looking public bathroom with graffiti on the walls and installs. I step in the cleanest mirror, pulled some paper towels out of the dispenser and wiped my shirt off the best I could.

Some girls walked in while I was cleaning off my shirt. They stared at me all weirdly.

I looked up embarrassed and blushed, "Oh u-um, Hi . . ."

They started to laugh, one of them took a picture, "I can't wait to post this on social media. . ."

"Wait, give that back," I said. I tried grabbing the phone then it was tossed to one of the other girls. When I went to that girl it was tossed to another. This went on for god knows how long until the phone fell on the floor and broke into pieces. I smashed the phone just to make sure it wasn't salvageable.

"Whatever, it was just a photo," one girl said, "we need to get to class anyway. . ."

Oh shit, I'm late. . .

I quickly pushed the girls out of the way and ran to my class. I pushed the doors open and the whole class turned to me

"Miss (L/N), late as always," my teacher Mrs. D. said to me.

I sighed and took a seat in the far back. Where I got spitballed and laughed at while trying to take note for this weeks test.




After classes were over it was time to go to my job. I needed to take the subway so I would be going there . . .

I wrapped my scarf around the lower half of my face and start for the nearest subway. Along the way, I bumped into a guy with a tan trench coat. He didn't seem to happy that he was being bumped into by a girl half his height.

"Hey mate, watch where you're going will ya'" He gruffly asked, "Don't you know how to say excuse me?"

I looked up at him. I couldn't make out his facial features quite well, but he suddenly made a reality. . . weird face. Like he was a bit weirded out by me.

"Uh . . . ahem, sorry just ignore what I was saying." He walked away.

I just brushed it off and headed towards the subway station. Caught the subway all the way to a small café on Midtown West called Frisson Espresso.

"Oh look who decided to show up," Pete, the slobby chef, said to me.

"Oh stop it, I'm already having a rough day as it is," I yelled to him heading towards the bathroom.

I Changed into some generic looking café uniform, A skirt, light blue t-shirt, and some flats. I stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed my pad and got to work.

The first few hours were okay until a group of partygoers decided to break the silence. They were loud and rowdy.

"Oi toots," one of them said to me, "We're ready to order."

I walk over to the table and fake a smile, "What can I get you?"

The guy looked me up and down, "How about you . . ."

"Excuse M-" I felt a sharp grip on my butt.

"You, fresh meat, how about sitting with me for a while?"

I smacked his hand off of my rear end, "No thanks, I'm good."

He snatch my arm up as quick as I smacked him, "C'mon babe, I'll make sure you have a good time . . ."

"I said no. . ." I tried my best to pull my arm from his tight grip, but I was stuck.

Then one of my coworkers came over to check on me, "This guy bothering you?"

I nod.

"I think you should leave now sir, if you don't I'll get Pete out here . . ."

He stood up and held up his hands, "Fine, fine, I'm outta here," and with that, he left.

She took me to the back of a kitchen where Pete stood concerned, "You might need to go home early . . ."

"No. I only have 30 more minutes, just let me stay and finish up. . ."

"We've got this, just change and go home," Pete said apologetically.

I did as I was told, and instead of taking the quickest shortcut home I took a long way home to take off time from going back to my mother and father.

I was hoping this week would go by smoothly and with no problems. . . So much for wishful thinking . . .

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