Meeting the Demon Hunter

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I woke up in the morning, in a room, I've never been in, on a bed I've never slept in, and in a house, I've never stepped one foot in. I don't remember what happened last night, I don't understand . . .

I turned to my left and scooted out of the bed. I then found my tattered clothes and shoes and decided:

Maybe It's best to get out of here

I looked for the nearest door. All of them were large and grandiose.

Well, looks like this ain't gonna be easy . . .

I walked over to the door in the left corner and pulled on it. When it opened, I saw nothing but books, ones on the occult and one on Fae lore. Other were mostly demonology and on ancient religions and languages.

Weird . . .

I closed the door and instead of Quiet it sent a loud Thud throughout the room and moved to the next door. I opened the door to possible freedom and when I opened the door, it wasn't what I truly expected. . .

Instead of an empty hallway to freedom, I see a grizzled man, possibly in his late twenties early thirties. He was wearing a tuxedo shirt with The Sleeves rolled up and a loosened tie. He wore dress pants and a shirt and a blunt look of anger to match.

Maybe I should've tried this door first?

"Where are you going?"

"Home . . ." I said, a bit timidly.

"Well, you can try . . . but the Anesthetic will wear off soon enough," He pushed me back toward the bed.

"What do you me-AAAAAAAAAA," A surge of pain rushed through me and made me fall over into Constantine's arms.

"That was pretty quick," he set me on the bed and covered me up.

"What-what happened?" I asked

He looked at me weirdly, "You serious? You don't remember?"

I shook my head quietly.

"You were maimed and torn up by demons, you were lucky to be alive if I hadn't gotten there

Then it all comes back to me, the dirty blonde hair, the baby blue eye, that same overcoat and dress shirt, and pants combo. I was yelled at by him at the park for knocking his cigarette out of his hands. It's weird being saved by the same person who just belittled you and asked if you were blind. . .

I unknowingly asked, "Wh-what's your name?"

Well," He started, "John Constantine, but you can call me John," He holds something out at me, a card. I reluctantly took it since he was so keen on being mean.

It read:

John Constantine

Exorcist, Demonologist, Master of the Dark Arts

(404) *** *****

I looked it over and decided on the best place to put it, my shoe since it was the only part of my clothing intact at the time.

I looked up at him, hesitantly, and smiled, "You saved my life, but how did you get there so fast to save me?"

In the remains of my pants pocket was a sigil. He tossed it my way and I caught it, "I never leave anywhere without those babies, charged up with some energy and then I send them out into the world if need be,"

I toss it back to him, feeling the pain in my arm along the toss point, and watches as he sets it on his desk.

"Well, it must be cool. . ."

he looks over at me, "What?"

"Fighting demons and all. . . It must be cool to have that kind of life . . ."

He clenches his fists, making me feel more uncomfortable, he then unclenches them, "Well then, If you think that losing your mom after being born, then having your father die from demons is so cool, maybe I must've been the wrong person to be locked up in an asylum for a couple of months. . ."

Damn, just couldn't stop with the stupid things you say huh (Y/N), you never cease to amaze me. Even when you try to mean well you end up messing it up.

An awkward silence loomed over the room. I looked over at him, toying with the talisman thing he gave me, while I tapped random apps on my phone trying to look busy. Instead of trying to break the silence first, I sighed, only wanting to say one stupid shitty thing a day.

John coughed, I looked up at him quietly. He had his mouth agape, almost as if he was about to say something, my phone interrupted him though.

m-mom, I said to myself. I almost forgot about her, what could she want?

I look back up at John, he stared at me then at the phone. Waiting for me to answer it.

I gulped.

I pressed the green button on my phone and put it on my face, "Hello?"

"WHERE ARE YOU?" She Yelled in my ear. I then realized it was on speaker and my face flushed a bright red.



She hung up the phone before I could say what happened. I looked down in shame.

come on, find something to say. Break the silence a bit why don't ya.

He gasped as if to say something, but his words were interrupted by my cell phone ringing again.

I pick up, this time remembering to turn off the speaker on the phone, and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" a gruff male voice bellowed.

"Pete? Hey, listen I'm going to need the da-"

"I'm sorry (Y/N) But we're going to have to let you go," He said

"Oh, Why?" I asked timidly.

"Let's face it, we're losing business and with you here, it's getting harder and harder to pay for the expenses. This is all temporary though as I may be shutting down for good. . . You were my best . . . "

"Yes I know how the business goes, thanks for having me on and, good luck," I hung up the phone

At this point, I wanted to cry. This day so far was shit, and the worse part was I had a remotely handsome brit looking at me, waiting for me to fuck up my next move, at least I thought that' what he was waiting for me to do.

He cleared his throat, "So after that little episode what I was going to ask if you wanted to stay, now I don't think you have a choice really. . ."

"Wh-why?" I asked

"I just thought about those demons that attacked you yesterday, they will be back to finish the job, the best thing is to stay here with me, but because of everything that happened over the phone, you don't have a choice anymore," Constantine pops a cigarette in his mouth and starts to puff on it.

I smiled as he had his back turned, "Thank you. . ."

"Pardon?" He asked.

'For letting me stay, thank you for that . . ."

He looked down with his hand gripped on the door. He shook his head then after, "Yeah. . . sure," He turned his body to the door and opened it, letting himself out, he closed the large door behind him and small footsteps could be heard walking away.

I sulked back down and sighed. So far first impressions were . . . great. I didn't make a fool of myself at all, obvious sarcasm intended. But whatever, he doesn't like me, plain and simple. He only saved me as a conscious effort at best. Who knows where he's going to blab about me some more.

Whatever, I'm laying back down, things are already getting hectic as is.

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