The new guest's first day

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This still takes place on the same day as the previous chapter.

(H/L)-hair length

(H/C)-hair color

Constantine POV
I walked down the stairs normally and met with Chaz who had his occasional shit-eating grin on his face when any remotely attractive girl or a guy comes to stay and eventually leaves never to return. same old same old. . .

"so. . . ?"

I mocked his grin, trying to show how stupid he looked, "So. . .?"

"Don't play fucking dumb," Chaz's smile fell and he crossed his arms and frowned, "What is she like, do you like her?"

I simply rolled my eyes, this question again, "She's plain and normal, and no I'm not interested."

"What?" Chaz commented, "you didn't put any of that John Constantine charm on her? That's. . . highly unlike you. . . you okay?"

"Yes, " I rolled his eyes again and put on his jacket, " Fine, she just isn't my type. She's pretty plain if you ask me... "

"That never stopped you from bringing her into bed... But then again I guess her being in your bed counts too, " Chaz grinned.

I just ignored his last comment, still a bit irritable from lack of sleep, "there's some trouble across the way, I need my designated driver to get me there... "

Chaz quietly hopped down the stairs and I followed a bit less enthusiastic as I usually was. Once we made it out to the cab I opened the door as he sat and buckled his seatbelt.

"Where to, John? "

"Chinatown, and be quick about it... "

He quickly took off leaving a trail of dust in his place.

I looked out the window mindlessly for some time, hoping that we'd pass the, sorry excuse for New York traffic, but was quickly proved wrong as we landed smack dab in the middle of it.

"Well so much for wishful thinking, Chaz... "

"I know ... This shit is awful... Got any tricks up your sleeve? "

He knows me all too well...

I pulled out a small spell I kept in my pocket and recited the words.

Est un levetitos

Row by row every car lifted up until the streets were clear.

"No tough obstacle for John Constantine, is there?"

I chuckled and motioned for him to drive. This one the ride was smooth sailing until we reached Chinatown.

As soon as we hit our destination, I stepped out of the cab and watched as Chaz drove off. I then turned to examine the situation.

Ash, floating upwards and covering the streets of Chinatown. Looking up was even worse, as the buildings with civilians and pets still in them.

While I didn't add any extra urgency to my pace, I did know I had to act quickly. As an even more massive fire had broken out and was about to engulf the whole block of Chinatown.

"Well... Let's get to work..."

I quickly recited a spell and transported into the house with ease, no problems or anything. I grabbed as could.

I eventually was able to get everyone and animals out but not without vowing to find a spell for this type of situation later.

I quickly got out of the house. everyone turned their gaze to me, trying to put my coat out from the ashes and blaze.

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