John Constantine on the Job

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Constantine POV

Ah, blasted sun. And while I have a hangover too. . .

I shielded my eyes from the damn sun and did my best to stand up and make it to the bathroom before I vomited all over my hard work. I did get there, but . . . I missed by a couple of inches.

Damn. . .

I got up and wiped my face. I then went to the mirror cabinet, pulled out a bottle of aspirin popped one in my mouth. I got a Good whiff of myself as I was putting away the bottle of aspirin into the cabinet.

Ugh, I bloody stink . . .

I decided to pull out some new clean clothes, for the first time in forever, and take a nice hot shower. I haven't gotten one of those in a long time. I kick it up, step in and wash up before I get another call.

I stepped out a dressed in the same, but cleaner clothing, and stepped back out into my office, a slightly dirtier version of the one I have back at home, and sat at the desk. I didn't twiddle my thumbs much, but business seemed to be a bit slower than usual today.

I suddenly got a call on the telephone, so much for slow business. . .

I picked it up and got a call from a random person. The voice didn't fit any person I had met.

I picked up the phone, "Ello?"

"Is this John . . . John Constantine?" He asked over the phone.

"Ya, whaddya want?"

"Please, save my daughter. . . she's been possessed. Come immediately . . ."

"I'll be there soon, no need for an address," I hang up.

Well, I need some excitement for today . . .

I pick up my jacket, put on my shoes, and head off.

Along the way I bump into this girl, she

"Hey mate, watch where you're going will ya', Don't you know how to say excuse me?"

I look down at her, and my god. Those Eyes, they were so big

"Uh . . . ahem, sorry just ignore what I was saying." I just walked away from her, probably leaving her confused.

I walk up to the apartment and ring in, "Ello, any of you order an exorcism?"

The door suddenly buzzed open, Well I guess today's going to be a busy day . . .

I walked up in the door to an oddly quiet lobby, the things were just thrown about as if they were in a hurry, no bellhop or front desk manager to be found.

Guess I'll be checking in myself then. . .

I took the first elevator that opened and picked a floor. I guess the floor I picked was right cause everyone was cowering outside at the end of the hallway.

"What seems to be the problem here?" I asked.

The crowd of terrified people parted to show me a man on the wall speaking in garbled words.

"Ah, I was just beginning to think that this was a prank call. . ."

An oriental woman stepped in front of me, "è mó è mó zhěng jiù wǒ de zhàng fu kāng sī tǎn ding,"

"Yes love, I know what I'm doing," I push her out of the way and head toward the infected person of the day.

"Well, what do we have here?"

Instead of getting an answer, I got vomit all on me.

Disgusting . . . Now I know my place. . .

I quickly put everyone to work, "Get 'er on a bed and tie her up, I need him completely still . . ."




Once he was on the bed till I got to work. I got out the holy water cross necklace

"Anyone have a book? they're not using?"

An old man from behind the crowd handed over a small empty journal, "Will this do?"

I took It, "Perfect, now give me some space . . . I need to do my work."

I took the book and hovered it over his body, then I recited the words:

Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos,

Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus,

Deus terrace,

and just like that, he was trapped in the book. Next, I need to burn it . . .

"Anyone got a fireplace. . ." I held up the book.

Everyone shook their heads. I came up with an even better idea though . . .

"Go get me a barrel, and some wood any wood at all. . ." They did as I told them and in a short amount of time I had the perfect place to dispose of the Demon

I tossed the book in the metal barrel that was in the middle of the room. The group of civilians threw flammable objects in the barrel, Wood from chairs, tables, etcetera. I then lit a newspaper on fire with my cigarette and tossed it in the barrel. In the flames, everyone saw a demonic creature screaming.

Yeah, go back to hell where you belong . . .

"My work here is done," I put my cigarette out on their desk and leave while every hugs the guy.

Well time to head out. . .

I step out into the rowdy streets again and called Chaz, "Chaz this is John, you know your drive-by guy, come pick me up and take me home. I don't feel like walking"

"Noted, But you know I'll be right here waiting for you as your Personal-chauffer right?" There Chaz was, waiting for me.

"I knew I could depend on you. . ."

I stepped into the taxi and Chaz took off into the New York Traffic.

"You should've called me John, Could've gotten you here sooner . . ." he said to me.

"Yeah, hey did you notice how many people were walking together, it's enormous . . ."

"Yeah John, its a wonder . . . You pay attention to yourself so much it's incredible."

I put another Cig between my lips and lit it up, "I don't understand, why do people love to the company of others so much? If there are such dangers in the world why would we have company? Anyone would be crazy just to put up with people. . ."


"Superman, That Clark Kent Fellow Has it all then he would rather waste it all on saving the world than taking care of his home life . . . Pathetic"

"sounds like you're Jealous . . . I mean you had the hots for Zatanna,"

"I'm not jealous, and you know that was just a fling, and nothing special . . ."

"Sure . . ." He rolled his eyes in the rearview mirror.

"But . . ." He looked in the mirror at me.

"It would be nice. . ."

"Nice. . . or exciting?" Chaz asked.

"Whatever you would call it, it would be something to have it, " I puffed on my cig a bit more.

"Is John Constantine Going soft on me?"

Maybe I was maybe I wasn't. I need someone, someone crazy enough to do this whole dance with me. Crazy, more like insane. Someone like . . .

I shook my head, "What the hell am I saying, I need to get drunk again . . . get me home quickly . . ."

Chaz winked, "With Pleasure . . ."

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