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We've been living with Cassidy and Taymor for a few weeks now. I've kinda been keeping a distance from Tay. He tends to get in his little moods a lot.

I don't know what's stressing him but if he needs a friend I'm here. I've never been one to turn away someone in need.

I was currently fixing my bed when I felt another presence in the room. I turned and looked at the door and there was Tay. He looked calm for once.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said dryly

"Look I know I've been a little bit of a dick lately b-

"You mean a huge bit of a dick" I said crossing my arms

"Yea and I'm sorry. I've just been trying to find myself. I've got some things I need to figure out" he admits

"Well instead of being an ass to me all you had to say was you needed some advice and I would've helped you"

"I know and I'm sorry"

I nodded "it's okay I forgive you" I said

He then walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. Of course I hugged back. I love hugs. We stood and hugged for what seemed like forever.

I didn't want things to get weird. I pulled away from the hug. We then stood close as ever to each-other. He was staring me in the face

"You're adorable" Tay said making me blush hard as ever

I found myself staring at his lips. God they looked kissable. I think he caught my drift cause before I knew it he had grabbed me and kissed me.

Our tongues danced in each others mouth and he sucked on my bottom lip which caused me to let out a slight moan. I felt him smirk as he pulled away.

His smirk soon turned into a frown. He appeared upset. He then pushed me away from him making me stumble back.

"You okay?" I ask

"Ugh the fuck are you doing to me fag!" He yelled at me pushing me again. Harder this time and I flew into the wall.

I stood confused as he walked out. I'm the fag? He kissed me. I didn't have time for his confused mind today. I had a date with Glizzy.

I got dressed and put my hair up. Glizzy likes it when I have my hair up. He hates my dreads being all in my face cause he can't see all of my facial features.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and made my way downstairs. Seeing Tay sitting on the couch I ignored making any eye contact with him and made my way to the door.

"Where you going?" He asked

I ignored him. It was none of his business. I opened the door to it being slammed back shut.

"I said where you going?!?" Tay growled at me

I ignored him with my back facing him. I reached for the door nob again.

"If you open this door again without answering my question there will be consequences."

Fuck did he think he was? My dad? Definitely not. That nigga in jail doesn't give a shit about me.

I pushed him away from me and opened the door and walked out.

"Nahmir!" He called after me

I ignored him and quickly went and got in Glizzy's car and he pulled off.


"I really had a good time with you tonight" I said to Glizzy as he pulled up at my house

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