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I woke up and went to stretch but my hands were yanked back. I looked and noticed they were handcuffed to the bed.

I went to scream but there was a sock in my mouth. I looked down at my feet and noticed they were tied down. And I was wearing no clothes

I looked around and immediately begun to panic. I started panting short hard deep breaths.

"You're finally awake" a voice said

I shot my head in the direction it came from. All I could see was a figure. It was dark and I couldn't make out who it was.

It started coming closer to me. I stared a little harder and finally realized who it was.


My eyes widened as she crawled on my bed and straddled me sitting her ass directly on my dick.

"Hello my love. Long time no touch" she said rubbing my chest

I just stared at her

"So listen. I'm gonna take the sock out of your mouth. Don't yell, your mom is studying and you know how she is about loud noises when she's studying. Okay?"

I nodded.

She took out the sock. Smashing her lips on mine.

I didn't kiss back she took completely over shoving her tongue roughly down my throat moaning lowly in my mouth.

I mentally gagged. This kiss was unpleasant.

She grinded on my dick which immediately made it start to stand up. Just fucking great.

I didn't like what was going on but the slightest press on my dick makes it stand up. I can never control it.

She pulled away. Leaving my lips covered in her nasty slob.

"I see you like that huh?" She said grinding harder on my dick which was now standing high and tall

She trailed kissed down my body and I closed my eyes.

I felt her lick my tip then take me completely into her mouth. I gagged literally.

This did not feel good. I'm sure maybe to a straight guy she'd be doing fine but not to me. I for one don't really like getting my dick sucked. I do the dick sucking.

She just went at it. Slurping all and down my dick. I quickly made myself cum just so it'd be over.

She licked it up. Then came up and pecked me on the lips.


"If that made you cum fast just imagine what this pussy gon do"she said making my eyes shoot open and widen

"I do not like pussy" I said

"How do you not know. You've never been in one so I'm gonna be you're first experience" She said taking her clothes off

"I have and I didn't like it" I said trying to get my hand out one of the cuffs

"Well maybe her pussy wasn't A1 like mine"

I shook my head as she made her way back ontop of me.

"Ya know I really don't care if you want this or not. I want it. So I'm gonna take get it"

She positioned herself and slowly sat down on me moaning. She sounded like a dying horse.

She rode me for what felt like hours. I just wanted to go throw up and cry. I just kept my eyes closed to keep my tears from coming out. I didn't want her to think her pussy was good to where I was crying.

That shit would definitely not be true. Her pussy felt loose and smelled like tuna.

I heard her smack her lips and get off of me.

Ugh finally.

I heard her leave out the room.

Seconds later she came back with the worlds biggest strap on on that I've ever seen.

"You clearly wish I was my son so I'm gonna fuck you like my son does. I know y'all fuck so don't even fix your mouth to lie. I don't see why I'm not good enough for you. My son's a piece of shit. He still fucks with his girlfriend I hope you know" she said stuffing the sock back in my mouth putting duck tape over it too.

She un-hancuffed one of my legs and positioned herself at my ass. She threw the leg up one her shoulder.

"I'm letting you know now. You even dare to kick me I will tell my son you tried to have sex with me and have him beat your ass. And i will also tell your mom the same" she said

I felt the tears forming in my eyes.

She rammed into me. I yelled but it came out muffled.

She just slammed in and out of me. It hurt and burned so bad. Dry friction does not feel good. She put no type of lube on.

"Do I remind you of Taymor yet?" She said speeding up

It felt like my asshole was tearing. This strap on is bigger than any real dick I've ever taken. I just clenched my eyes closed as tears slipped out of them.

She finally pulled out and get up taking off the strap on.

"This was an amazing experience don't ya think" she said putting back on her clothes

I just laid there not moving.

She got the key to the handcuffs and took them all off. She gathered everything she had and walked out shutting my door behind her.

I still just laid there. It felt like my body shut down. I was weak.

I didn't wanna process what just happened. Hell I couldn't process it.

Why does everyone like hurting me?


Oh so boom baby. This was trash ik ik. I really just didn't know what I wanted to do. I know I wanted another encounter with Cassidy. This was the first thing that came to mind. Lemme know what y'all kinda think gon happen next?

I know I was supposed to been have published this but I was literally stuck. It's 11:46 p.m. Still Sunday :)

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