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It's after 1 and Mir still ain't here. He normally sneak his way in at 12. I really needed to talk to him about what's going on with him.

He's been distant asf and I don't like that shit. Part of me is missing when he doesn't talk to me. That's my lil baby.

I've called his phone. No answer. Texted him. No reply.

I just got a tiny feeling he's not okay rn. It's scaring me.

I gotta try to find him.

I got up and grabbed my keys and put on some clothes. I jumped out my window and went to my car.

Ian want my momma to see me leaving. She hate when I drive after 11.

I got in my car and started it pulling off. I drove around looking and constantly looking down at my phone hoping I'd get some kinda text from him.

He has no friends, so theirs no one I could text to see if they've seen him.

I highly doubt he'll ever talk to Glizzy again. I'm sure Glizzy hated him.

Lemme just call Glizzy and see anyways.

FaceTiming Glizzy.....

He answered several rings later.

"Wassup?" He said in a sleepy voice

"Have you talked to Mir today?" I asked

"Yea he texted me saying he wanted some dick"

I choked on my spit for a second


"I said he texted me saying he want some dick"

"And what did you say?"

"I told him to get it from you. He said he wanted it from me. So I picked him up. Took him to this abandoned house. Rough handled him a bit. Choked him out. He fainted. Then I brought him back to my house and he woke up and I dicked him down" he said

"Had to have him think I was gon kill him before I gave him the D"

I wish I could punch through this phone. I'd knock his shit back.

"Where is he now?" I said trying to hide how pissed off I was

"Sleeping" he said then turned the camera on a sleeping Mir

"Wake him up I'm coming to get him" I said whipping my car around going towards Glizzy's house direction

"Nah you ain't gotta c-

I hung up before he could finish. I'm coming to get Mir wether he want me or not.



I woke up to loud noises. Sounded like somebody fighting. I quickly got up and walked out of the room and went downstairs.

It was a complete fucking mess.

I walked in the living room seeing Taymor and Glizzy going at it. Not gon lie. Glizzy was kinda whoopin his ass.

I ran and stepped in between them trying to pull them apart.

"Stop it!" I yelled

They just kept at it reaching around me hitting eachother.

I tried to pull them apart again but no luck. I went to step from in between them and just give up.

They swung again both missing eachother and hitting me in the face.

I fell back onto the couch holding my face.

"Look what you fucking did!" Taymor yelled at Glizzy

"Bitch you hit him too!" Glizzy yelled back

I looked at my hands and saw blood and got up and ran to the bathroom.

"Mir!" I heard them both yell

I ignored them and went in the bathroom locking the door being me.

I looked in the mirror. My eye was bloodshot red and swollen and my lip and nose were leaking. Why do niggas punches do so much damage.

I grabbed a towel and cleaned myself up and cleaned any blood that dropped.

I grabbed another towel and Walked out the bathroom and went into the kitchen to the freezer.

I grabbed a few pieces of ice and put them in the towel and put it on my eye.

I walked back to the living room where Tay and Glizzy were sitting with their head in their hands.

I cleared my throat. They both shot their heads into my direction.

"We are so sorry" they said at the same time

"Mhm" I said

"It could've all been avoided if he would've let me take you home like I came to do" Tay said

"I said he was fine and didn't need you to come get him" Glizzy said

"Can't trust you nigga. You choked him out and made him faint" Tay said

"Okay and bitch you raped him. So who's really the one to trust here?" Glizzy said

My mouth dropped. How tf did that nigga know about that?

Tay looked at me

"Why tf would you tell him about that?! He gon have mfs thinking imma rapist!" Tay yelled at me making me jump

"I-I honestly d-don't remember t-telling him a-about t-that" I stuttered

"You told me before we fucked earlier. After you woke up. My dick was so good it made you forget" Glizzy said smirking

I felt Tay's gaze burning a hole in my face. I tried not making eye contact with him. I think imma die tonight.

I saw Tay stand up out of the corner of my eye and make his way to the door.

"Let's go" he said walking out the door

I stood there for a second and looked at Glizzy

"I know you ain't finna listen to him" Glizzy said

"I kinda don't have a choice. My momma will flip shit she wake up and I'm not there" I said

"Whatever Nicholas" he said going by the door motioning me to get out

I slowly walked out the door and went to Tay's car and opened the door.

"Get in the back" he said yanking the door back closed

I sighed and got in the backseat.

Why tf is these niggas mad at me I should be the one mad. They blacked my eye and busted my lip and nose.


I feel this is all over the place. I'm trynna make it follow a straight path but i keep swerving off. I don't even know how imma end this story. It's literally a bunch of bundled up stuff. Imma figure it out. Ion want this story to be mad long.

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