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I've really been avoiding Cassidy since our encounter the other day...

I've been avoiding Tay too...

And my mom...

Shid I've been avoiding the whole damn house. I'm rarely here during the day.

I come back when everyone's asleep. Just so I don't have to look anyone in the face. Or have them question me on why I haven't been home the past couple days.

It's just better for me.

I wish there was someone i could tell about the Cassidy situation. I sadly have no friends.

Can't tell Taymor, he's so unpredictable there's no telling what would happen.

Can't tell my mom, she'd flip shit.

Oh wait! My bestfriend! I literally haven't talked to her in months.

I'm such a bad bestfriend.

FaceTiming Bestoo✊🏾🤩👯‍♀️...

It rung for a few times then finally it started connecting. I waited til I saw her face to speak.

She was frowning..

"Hey besto" I said smiling

She just stared at me with a blank face

"Besto I'm sorry say something"

"Oh besto I'm moving across the damn country, oh besto don't cry I'll still keep in touch with you, oh besto let me not call you for FUCKING MONTHS! Fuck You Nicholas!" She yelled into the phone

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't fix every damn thing"

"I've just been through a lot"

"And I thought best-friends are supposed to let each other know shit like that so they can be there for each other. Hope your new besto is making you happy. Cause you clearly have a new one your taking all your problems to"

"I don't ha-

Boop boop boop


I sighed and put my phone in my pocket.

It's only 7 sum. I can't go to the house til midnight. The mall closes early tonight at 8. I dunno what imma do for the other 4 hours.

I really need some friends. Literally been at that school over 2 months and I've made no friends.

I need some penis as well. Can't get it from Taymor. As good as his dick is I don't want it.

Kinda wanna ride Glizzy train again.

Even though he hate me.

Finna just test my luck. Fuck it.

:So I know you hate me or whatever buh I need some dick. Just gon be upfront with it...

Seen 7:22

:why you gotta be difficult?

:I know you miss fucking me🤪

Glizzy🤩❤️: go have Taymor fuck you

: If I wanted his dick. I'd be on it. But I don't want it I want yours. Stop being a lady and come get me so you can rearrange my insides

He read my message immediately. I saw the bubble appear then go away. Then come back again.

Glizzy🤩❤️: man where you at? 😐

: mall

Glizzy🤩❤️: be there in 5. You better have something loose on.


Glizzy🤩❤️: I'm serious.

I had on joggers with no boxers, cause like who wears those anymore? My slides of course and a white tee. Pretty lose.

I sat on a bench and clicked through my Snapchat stories to pass time.

People literally post the same shit on Snapchat. There's never anything new.

I got up and made why way to the doors. Guess I'll wait by em til he text me.

"Aye hollup you dropped this!" Somebody yelled behind me

I turned around to a guy with dreads and and a few face tattoos come up to me and hand me a paper.

I looked at it confused

Call me ;)

I chuckled and looked back up but he was gone. Slick one.

I made my way to the door and my phone buzzed. I took it out my pocket and looked it

Glizzy🤩❤️: Come tf out

:Rawr daddy damn. I'm coming. So demanding.

I walked out the doors and spotted his car. I walked over to it and got in.

"Hey Glizzy" I said and smiled

"Shut up" he said pulling off

I frowned and sunk down in my seat. I know I lied or whatever but damn. What done came over him. I technically didn't even lie though. Ugh.

We pulled up to an old abandoned house. Tf?

I furrowed a brow and looked at him.

"Y-you live here?" I said

"Of course not fucking idiot. Your not worth fucking in my actually bed though so let's go" he said getting out then coming over to my side opening the door yanking me out

"Geez" I said

"Shut up"

I don't even wanna fuck anymore. He's turned me completely off. Where's the nice and gental Glizzy. This one is mean and aggressive.

I whimpered as he yanked me into the abandoned house.

The inside smelled like mildew, there was holes in the walls and old beat up furniture.

He continued to yank me upstairs to a room and threw me on the bed. It was dusty and ripped up with the springs coming out.

"G-Glizzy what's w-wrong with y-you" I stuttered as he climbed on the bed ontop of me.

He gripped me by the neck.

"You know you really hurt me. I really was feeling yo ass" he said tightening his grip

"You could've just told me you was fucking him and y'all had sum going on. I would've known my limits. But no you had to lead me on. Then you lied about being a virgin. Like why?"

His grip tightened

I grabbed his wrist as tears stung my eyes

"I-It w-wasn't like t-that I-I s-s-swear"

"Then what was it like!?" He said and banging my head on the bed

My breathing was slowing. All I could do was cry.

"Speak or I swear I will kill you and leave you right here!" he yelled

I just cried harder. His grip was getting tighter. I felt my self fading.

"G-G-Glizzy P-P-Ple-

I couldn't finish. I passed out.

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