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Last nights event played over and over in my mind I didn't know how to feel. I didn't want it but I liked it. I'm upset with him but I'm not at the same time. He forcefully took my virginity. Yes it was great. But I'm not sure if I was honestly ready. I was saving myself.

School was starting tomorrow. Meaning I had to go shopping with Tay and his mom to get the rest of my school stuff. My mom had to work so she can't tag along. I kinda don't wanna go now. But I have to :/

I heard a knock on my door. I was scared to say something cause who knows what's on the other side.

"Mir it's me Cassidy" his mom said

I sighed in relief. "It's open" I said.

She walked in and smiled at me. "You ready to go?" I have work today so we can't shop for long. And god knows you and Tay are picky when it comes to clothes

I let out a fake chuckle and stood up

"Oh my what happened to your face" she said closely examining my face. I knew she was talking about the bruise Tay left there from slapping me last night.

"N-Nothing" I said moving my head away

"I hope your not letting anyone abuse you or anything. I'm here if you need to talk about something. That you can't come to your mother about"

"I'm fine" I reassured her. I doubt she'd take it well if I told her her son went ape shit on me last night.

She nodded and headed outta the room. I could tell she was still really curious.


We were in Polo. Yes POLO! I've never had polo a day in my life. Cassidy said just come in here and go crazy.

I picked up some nice Black Polo slides and I grabbed the white ones too. I love slides. (Literally my life😫)

I had a few shirts in my hand and the slides. I went and put them in the shopping cart. I honestly didn't wanna overdue myself. Being that my mom isn't the one paying for anything. Cassidy's buying it all. I wouldn't feel comfortable.

"That's all you want?" Cassidy questioned

I nodded "I don't wanna overdue it since you're paying"

"Oh hun that's fine. I said go crazy. I meant that. Hell here" she handed me a wad of money. "If you're done in here go to another store I'll stay here with Tay indecisive ass til he gets done" I nodded and stuck the money in my pocket

-Skip Back Home enough of the mall ish-

I hung all my clothes up in my closet and put my shoes and slides on the racks. I can't believe this woman spent over 2 grand on me. Just for school clothes. I'm used to going to Walmart. And the most Id spend there is maybe 200 there. Maybe not even that. I won't have to wear the same clothes for months.

I'm not used to this.

Cassidy went to work and my mom was still at work. Which meant I was stuck with Taymor ugh. I've been ignoring him all day. I know he's downstairs too and I'm hungry. Fuck it.

I walked downstairs and made my way into the kitchen and just as I said. There he was standing there eating a sandwich. I could feel him staring at me. Felt like he was burning a hole in my face.

I wasn't gonna look at him. That's what he wanted me to do. NOPE! I walked past him and turned on the fryer.

"So you just gon ignore me? You haven't said anything to me all day" he said.

Nope not gonna say anything. I went to the freezer and opened it grabbing out Chicken fries and French fries (When I tell y'all this shit fye asf together. I know it's basic but 😫🤤)

I sat the bags on the counter. I had to wait for the grease to heat up.

"Mir talk to me" "Is it cause of last night? You kinda had that coming. You were ignoring me. Then I know you fucked him, you had too much of his scent on you" he said taking a bite of his sandwich

Is this nigga serious?

"I didn't fuck him! And even if I did why does it matter to you?" I yelled at him turning towards him

"Cause you don't need to be fucking him and stop saying you didn't cause I know you did" he said

I just threw my hands up. Fuck it. There's no convincing this nigga.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at it.

Glizzy🤩❤️: you busy?

:Just about to eat. So not really.

Glizzy🤩❤️: Can I come over?

I thought about it for a minute. I knew that would piss Tay off but at this point I don't care.

:Sure. 😁

Glizzy🤩❤️: be there shortly😘

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket.

This should be interesting.

I cooked my food. And as soon as I took them outta the fryer I got a text from Glizzy saying he was outside. I put it on my plate. And walked to the door.

"Who outside?" Tay yelled from the living room

"Glizzy" I said smiling

"Why?" He called back

"Cause he's my friend"

I heard him growl. This nigga and this growling. He seriously has issues.

Glizzy came in and we went upstairs to my room.

We just chilled and watched a movie. Had a few conversations here and there. It was nice. That was up until Tay came barging in, no knocking. 😑

"Aye Glizzy, Manny just called me saying he's been trying to call you it's an emergency and he needs you" he said. I could tell he was lying.

"Oh shit really" Glizzy said and hopped up knocking me off of him.

"Oh shit sorry MirMir, I gotta go. I'll see y'all tomorrow at school" and with that he was gone and out the door

Tay stood at my door with a smirk across his face.


Whew Chile! What is Tay's problem???

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