Teresa (Mir mom)
"I'll be back. I'm gonna go talk to Mir" I said to Cassidy getting up off the couch and walking out the living room.
Me and Mir's relationship hasn't been much lately. It's like I'm not even his mom. We don't speak or anything. He's been distant from me.
I'm really getting a weird feeling somethings wrong with him. Like really wrong. If there was he'd normally tell me though. Not hide it from me.
I stopped by his room door contemplating if I wanted to actually talk to him or leave him be.
He may just be having a phase. I'll just let him be.
I walked away and went back downstairs and sat on the couch. He'll come around. Right?
It's been about 2 hours and Nahmir still hadn't came downstairs. . All his and Tay's friends were here still. I stood up to go up to his room.
There was something in my head telling me to go check on him since I turned around earlier. I just ignored it. I made my way back upstairs to his room.
I took a breath and knocked.
No answer
I knocked again
I sighed as I slowly put my hand on he knob and twisted it
"Nahmir?" I said slowly opening the door peeking my head in
My heart dropped at the sight I saw. He laid on his bed empty pill bottles everywhere. He skin was pale. His mouth had foam around it.
I immediately screamed and ran to him sitting on his bed.
"Nahmir!" I pulled his limp body in my lap tapping his face. His skin was ice cold.
I heard several footsteps coming up the stairs.
"What's wrong?!" Cassidy said running in the room with everyone else behind her
"Call 911!" I said crying hard rocking him in my arms
Not my baby. My only child. My miracle baby.
I was in the waiting room pacing back and forth tears nonstop running down my face.
How could I be so bad of a mother to not know my son was going through things that made him want to kill himself.
How could I just walk away from his room earlier and not just go in when I first wanted to. Who knows how long he was laying there unconscious.
I'm sick with myself.
"Family of Nicholas Simmons?" A voice said
I shot my head in the direction of the voice and immediately made my way over to the doctor with Cassidy and everyone else behind me.
"Is he okay?" I said trembling
"He's stable. We managed to stop the medicine from taking over his entire body and killing him" he said
I nodded
"We did some checks on his body to make sure nothing else was wrong. We came up on one issue that concerns us though"
I narrowed my brow "W-What was it?"
"You want me to tell you in private or around everyone else?" he asked
"Just say it damn!" Taymor blurted out
The doctor looked at me for reassurance and I nodded.
"His butt hole is ripped. Not like a little like maybe he had sex and there was a little tear. Like ripped badly. Like he'd been raped recently" "he said clearing his throat.
"Has he spoken to you about anything like that?"
I shook my head. I was lost for words. My son. Raped?
"Oh and almost forgot to mention. He was marks on his neck. Looks like he was recently choked out. Do you know anything about that?"
I shook my head again. What am I hearing right now?
"C-can I see him?" I asked
"I would say yes but he's requested to be left alone tonight. He said he's not ready to explain why he did what he did. He says come back tomorrow and he'll explain everything"
I sighed. "Okay"
"I'll be here all night to keep him company and talk to him. I'll call if he changes his mind about nobody seeing him tonight. For now you all should just go home and I'll see you guys tomorrow." He said
We all thanked him and left.
I couldn't sleep. I won't sleep. I just wanna hold my son. I wanna know why he's been holding everything in from me. Why didn't he tell me before it got this bad.
Where did I fail as a mother?
Is this even YBNK anymore?🤣😭