Snowy Fields

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The horses trotted along.  While I didn't mind riding horses it was taking everything in me not to demand to know where we were going.  Or why that clearing had some special meaning.  Or literally anything to get more information out of Lexa and/or Roan.

It was like they were playing a game of Mrs. and Mr. Secret.  It was frustrating.

Luna must have picked up on my mood because she took my hand.

"What is wrong ai hodnes?" She asked softly.

I practically melted at the name that was now familiar, "I'm just frustrated they won't tell us anything."

Luna nodded understanding, "I know.  I'm sure Lexa has her reasons."

"I know." I sighed.

Luna smiled, "If it helps I know nothing more about the clearing than you do."

I smiled back, "Okay."

Luna chuckled, gaze swooping around.  The warriors (minus Echo and Roan) seemed to be on edge, looking around more than normal.

I let my own gaze flicker around but saw only the rolling hills that were covered in a light dusting of snow.

"What are we looking for?" I asked curiously.

"Anything out of place."

"You mean like us?" I asked.

Luna rolled her eyes, "As long as we stay with Roan and Lexa we'll be fine." She assured.

I nodded, "And if we get separated?"

Luna sighed, "Then we might have a problem.  Though since it's a time of peace for the most part I don't see how many will bother us."

"It's if we get separated that would make it nice to know where we're headed." I grumbled.

Luna nodded agreement, "It would." She looked up at the sky.  I'd noticed a while ago looming clouds but they were on the far horizon still.  "Azgeda is known for having blizzards year round.  The snow never completely melts here and occasionally they get more than little snow storms."

I frowned, suddenly tense.

We rode on in silence after that, Luna a comforting presence against the strange new environment.

Suddenly Roan raised his hand, causing all of us to halt.

"We should stay the night here." He said when Lexa sent him a questioning look.

"Why?  There's no cover." Emori voiced, looking around the barren landscape.

"That storm will hit sooner or later and I'd rather not have to worry about us losing each other." Roan explained.

We all nodded, dismounting the horses as Echo left Bellamy's side to join Roan, Bellamy looking slightly putout.

She stomped in front of where she and Roan were standing and I stared in confusion until I heard a cracking sound.

After a few more moments there was a splash and she and Roan guided the horses to a hole she'd made in the ice to drink, Echo returning to Bellamy's side afterward.

We set camp quickly and to me the storm didn't really seem to be any closer but I didn't want to fight with Roan (plus we'd already made camp).

"What the plan?" Clarke asked.

Lexa set out a map, handing Roan a pencil (well, not an actual pencil but what Id come to accept as a Grounder pencil).  "Mark where you said the camp is."

Roan considered the map for a moment before marking an 'x' in a seemingly random spot on the map.  However when I considered it closer, I realized it was actually a pretty good spot.

If the map was accurate three sides were protected by hills and only a small opening on one side to allow easier entrance into the crater-like center where the village laid.

Lexa nodded, "And we're about here." She said, pointing to a spot, but I noticed her glance at Roan, him nodding agreement.

I glanced at the map, a doubt flickering through my mind.

"We'll have to cross this lake.  It's the shortest way." Lexa stated.

"Heda that's insane." Echo spoke and Bellamy, more out of reflex then anything, shoved her behind him as Lexa looked up sharply.

"Why?" Lexa inquired.

"The ice is too thin.  Even if we leave the horses or just walk them across we risk breaking the ice under our weight.  If it did and we fell in it would most likely collapse under everyone else in a chain reaction.  Even if by some miracle we got out we'd probably catch our death of cold, or hypothermia." Echo said, stepping around Bellamy.

Lexa didn't look happy but nodded, looking back at the map.  "So if we can't go over the ice they couldn't either, correct?"

"Correct." Echo said, seeming to put more confidence in her words than she felt.

"So we skirt around the lake," Lexa said, tracing it, "Continue on northeast and we'll find the passage.  Then we put in place a battle plan." She said.

We all nodded and she sighed, standing.  "I'll take first watch, everyone get some sleep."

We all nodded and I just barely heard Clarke say, "Don't you dare stay up all night."

I snickered to myself, Luna tilting her head and making me wave her into the tent, "I'll tell you inside."

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