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"We need eyes up there." Roan gestured up the hills, part of what was helping hide us from sight of the base.  The other part of our concealment was provided by a small outcropping of trees.

I wasn't comfortable here.  Most of my life I'd roamed Trikru or the Dead Zone, occasionally venturing into Trishanakru or visiting Polis, but I couldn't actually think of a time I'd been to Azgeda - especially this far in.

But I still nodded, "I'll go."

"What?  Emori-"

"John, I've been spying on and hiding from people my whole life.  This might as well be the desert with snow instead of sand.  Lincoln is trained for forests, and there's no trees up there.  Echo could do it but she uses Azgeda techniques, techniques I'm sure at least some of them know.  Roan is the King, we can't put him in that sort of risk.  I am the only viable solution that gives us the best chance at succeeding."

John was still shaking his head, "No way, just no.  I'm not letting you do that."

"You don't have to let me.  I can do it on my own.  I'll be back before sunset." I said, turning on my heel and heading for the hill.

John grabbed my wrist and I turned back to him, getting slightly frustrated now.  "Emori I can't lose you." His voice was calm but I could see the panic in his eyes, the fear.

I gave my best smile, "You came back for me.  I'll come back for you.  You have to trust me."

"I don't like it.  You up there alone?  You're too vulnerable."

I huffed slightly, moving to stand straighter before him, "Vulnerable?" I challenged.

Subconsciously I acknowledged that everyone else had moved away, most out of hearing range.

"That's not what I meant." He seemed to realize that was a mistake.

"I'm not vulnerable John.  I'm not some kid you have to protect.  I've been surviving on my own since I was too young to remember, I know how to take care of myself." I said, unable to keep some of my irritation out of my voice.

"You weren't alone though.  You had Otan.  And then you had me."

I scoffed, "Otan and I worked together John.  But that didn't mean we didn't know how to survive without the other."


"I'm doing this.  And you can either support me or be mad at me." I finally stated.  "I refused to leave you to find my brother, but I can't just abandon family again - not when we're so close."

He sighed, shoulders sinking, but he nodded, "Alright.  But promise me something."

I nodded.

"Promise me you'll come back, and that you'll get out of there at the first sign of danger."

I nodded, "Ai swega em klin (I swear it)." I said softly.

He nodded, finally releasing my wrist, "Then I guess you have a mission." He still didn't look pleased, but he took a couple steps back, eyes never leaving mine.

"I'll be back before sunset." I murmured, loud enough for only him to hear, before turning and making my way carefully up the hillside.

I only glanced back once, it was all I'd allow myself, and I could have sworn I managed to catch his eye again.

Swallowing thickly, I rounded the crest of the hill and carefully continued forward on my stomach, using my arms to pull my forward as I stayed as low as possible.

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