Untitled Part 5

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I swung onto my horse.  We all mounted quickly, setting off at a brisk trot.

"We should be careful not to wear out the horses." I heard Lincoln caution.

I nodded slightly but I also trusted Echo and Roan.  Today our formation was just a little different.  Emori and Murphy rode in front of Lincoln and I, Indra taking up the rear behind us.  Bellamy and Clarke were riding side by side as well, with Roan, Echo, and Lexa leading.

"I don't like this." I murmured, glancing around the snow covered fields.  "How does anyone know where they are and where they're going?"

"Well, to people raised in Azgeda they see more than we do.  It's like how we navigate in Trikru territory.  We know our way around the forest just as they do the snow.  Much like Trikru, Azgeda have landmarks that they can find to tell them where they are along with the sun to tell them what direction they're travelling." Lincoln explained.

I nodded, it made sense honestly.

We rode on in silence for a few hours, then as we neared lunchtime we climbed to the top of a hill and looked down to see a village.

"There it is." Roan's voice carried to everyone as he nudged his horse forward.

We made our way down the slope, Clark slipping forward to ride alongside Roan and Lexa while Echo slipped back to ride alongside Bellamy.

The guard at the town's gate smiled, "Heda Leksa, Haihefa Roan, em ste good gon ai op yu (Commander Lexa, King Roan, it is good to see you).  Chit lid in yu hir (What brings you here)?"

"Oso are lufa au oso friends, Luna kom Floukru en Reivon kom Skaikru (We are looking for our friends, Luna of Floukru and Raven of Skaikru)." Lexa explained.

The guard smiled, "We have a couple of lost travelers here."

Lexa smiled gratefully, "Thank you."

We slipped into the city, intent on looking for our lost family members.

(Okay, before you kill me let me explain why I haven't updated. School. School has been killing me. Last week I had a lot to do with Thanksgiving and yeah, it was just as crazy for the most part. I am changing my update day to Thursday as well, so look out for the updates of Thursday. As we move into December, I plan to be back at writing this once a week.  And yes, this chapter is extremely short.)  

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