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"I hate blizzards." I muttered again.  It had to be at least the thirtieth time I'd said it.

Luna nodded in agreement, "Sha (Yes), but we do need to find our way back to the others."

"How?  We don't even know which way we came from!" I exclaimed, waving my arms around.  We'd been wandering around in circles for the past three hours at least.

"Chil au ai hodnes (Calm down my love)." Luna soothed, "We'll figure something out."

I sighed and nodded, looking around.  My gaze caught sight of a hill, a few miles away.  "How have I not noticed that before?" I wondered but shook it off, "Luna, over there.  We could climb the hill and see what we can see."

Luna nodded, "Good eye, let's go." She nudged her horse into a gallop, sending up a spray of snow behind her.  I followed suit, my horse racing after her.

It took less time then I'd expected for us to reach our destination, our horses climbing the hill.  We pulled to a stop, looking around.

"Raven, smoke." Luna nodded towards our right and I followed her gaze.  Small, wispy towers of smoke were raising into the air.

"What if it's the Loyalists?" I fretted.

Luna sighed, "It's a risk we'll have to take.  We'll be careful in our approach." She said, turning her horse.

Sighing, I turned my own and we trotted off.


I wasn't sure how long we'd been riding when a village came into view.  People milled about and the fact that there were children of various ages and people who had no weapons eased mine and Luna's minds.  This had to be a normal village.

"Hod op (Stop)." A guard said as we neared.

"Ai laik Luna kom Floukru, oso were separated kom Haihefa Roan raun blizard (I am Luna of Floukru, we were separated from King Roan during the blizzard)." Luna said swiftly and I was suddenly glad for her insistence on learning Trigedasleng.

The guard nodded, "Ai laik sure he na lufa au yu den. Kom op, stay kom yumi kom taim emo fig au yu (I'm sure he'll be looking for you then. Come, stay with us until they find you)."

Luna and I smiled, "Mochof (Thank you)." I murmured and he smiled.

We slipped in and were shown the stables, putting our horses away and taking off their gear.  We were escorted to an empty house as well, more than large enough for the two of us.

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