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My blood turned to ice (no pun intended on the fact that we're in Ice Nation) at Bellamy's question.

I spun around myself again.

Lexa was right next to me.  Luna, Raven, Roan, and Indra were banded together - though moving apart now that the fight is done.  Murphy and Emori were still tight together as well.  Bellamy was the only one of us standing alone (impressive since he's been alone long enough to completely lose Echo, and the battle ended less than five minutes ago).

The ground is littered with the bodies of the Nia Loyalists, and I instantly move away from Lexa to start looking for Echo.

"I'll check where they're keeping Ontari." I could hear Emori call out to the group.

I shivered slightly as I keep looking.  Our battle actually spread out an impressive amount...

Then I saw her.  For a moment, it felt like time froze.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." I whispered, rushing forward.

I risked a glance around as my hands pressed to her wound.  Raven was the closest, inspecting bodies.

Thanks to Lincoln, we'd actually hidden my medical bag not far from here - not even five minutes run there and back, if my estimate was correct.

"Raven get my bag!" I called to her, unable to hide the panic in it.

Raven looked up at me, eyes widening for a moment, before she took off running.

I turned back to Echo, pressing harder with my hands.

"Echo, I need you to stay with me.  Come on, open your eyes." I watched closely but she gave no sign she heard me.

I let out a swift string of curses, mixing Trigedasleng and English.

Rather suddenly, Luna appeared on the other side of Echo, crouching down to help me apply pressure to the gash across her stomach.

I glanced up at her, speaking without really thinking because now I at least have someone to ramble to, "Long, not deep enough to hit any organs.  She's losing a lot of blood.  We need to stop it from bleeding." I mumbled to her.

Luna nodded, "Raven's back." She informed me a moment before Raven set my bag down beside me.

"Great.  Place your hands where mine are." I ordered Raven.  She obeyed without question as I grabbed what I needed out of my bag.

Needle and thread, bandages, and lots of cloth.

"Alright, this should help." I muttered, placing the cloth where Luna nd Raven's hands had been.  "Luna, take her pulse - watch it and her breathing." I ordered.

I'm not sure how long it took.  The bleeding slows enough that I'm able to stitch the injury (though in order to do so I have to use my dagger to cut away the lower half of Echo's shirt) and - with Luna's help - I was able to bandage the injury.

I check Echo's breathing once more, slow and fairly steady, and her pulse - a bit slower than a normal resting rate, but not enough to truly concern me.

I sat back on my heels, taking a moment to just breathe.  I knew I needed to go check on Ontari, I have no doubt that she needed some medical attention as well, but since no one was currently yelling for me to come tend to wounds, I was stealing a moment to relax.

"How is she?" I almost jumped at Bellamy's voice, not having noticed him come up behind me.

"Stable." I looked down at my blood soaked hands.  Luna had taken Raven to wash their own hands, while I just sat here.  "She lost a lot of blood, but Luna, Raven, and I managed to stop it and I sewed it, so hopefully it won't come open again - though I doubt we'll be travelling for at least a few days.  It'll scar, but she'll live - and once it heals and she recovers from the blood loss she shouldn't have any remaining effects." I told him.

I could hear his relieved sigh as he settled beside me.

"Emori has Ontari.  She's keeping her inside for now, along with Roan, so that she doesn't see this." Bellamy commented, gaze straying to the red snow.

I nodded, "Right.  I should go check on her." I started to stand, but he grabbed my wrist, making me look back down.

"Thank you Clarke.  I don't know what I'd do without her." Bellamy murmured.

I smiled weakly, "She's family." I responded softly.

He nodded, "But still.  Thank you." He smiled slightly, "You might want to wash your hands before you go see Ontari.  I'll stay with Echo until we figure out where we're going to set camp for tonight."

I looked around, "These houses should work." I commented, nodding to myself, "I'm going to go wash my hands, and then check on Ontari."

He nodded and let go of my wrist.

I set off, wandering around until I found Lexa.  She silently handed me a canteen of water, warmed slightly, and I quickly washed most of the blood off before drying my hands and slipping into the building where Ontari, Emori, and Roan were.

Murphy had joined them, sitting on one of the cot-like beds with Emori, her head resting on his shoulder.

Roan was sitting on another cot while Ontari sat beside him, staring at her hands.

Ontari's gaze jerked to me as I entered, "Echo-"

"Is fine." I cut her off with a small smile.  "She'll live." I amended.

Ontari nodded, relaxing slightly.

"Now," I murmured, coming over.  I couldn't quite recall when I'd ended up with my medical bag back in my hands, but I was glad I didn't have to go find it.  "I need to check your injuries." I murmured softly.

She nodded, "I'm yours."

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