Untitled Part 6

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I glanced around before sprinting across the dark alleyway and slipping into the bar.

We had decided to use the opportunity of being in the village to see what information we could gather.  Of course, we couldn't just have well known people walk into the bar to do this - which meant we were pretty limited.

I had volunteered myself, much to Luna's concern.  I had comforted her and assured the group I could do it.

Lexa and Roan had forced me to wear facepaint and Azgeda clothing so I would look like a traveler instead of a Skai person, as to not raise suspicion.

Back at the house, the others would be waiting for my return and getting ready to leave in the morning.

I slipped into a back corner, relieved to see I wasn't the only one not drinking.

I strained my hearing, trying to hear the conversations around me and see if I could hear anything remotely helpful.

"Krei ha yu don get bash op (So how did you get hurt)?" I hid my surprise at the man's voice, silently glad for the Trigedasleng lessons that Luna had given me.

He was a tall, muscular man with a broad chest and if the scars said anything he was definitely Azgeda.

I shrugged, "Got raun a gon daun (Got in a fight).  Stahaffed raun backon (Stabbed in the back)." I said, lying easily.

He chuckled, "Krei chit kom raun yu hir (So what brings you here)?" He asked, settling across from me.

"Ai laik gyon au hou (I am going home)." I responded.

He nodded, noticing another new bar costumer and heading off.  I followed him, something seemed weird about this second guy.

I stood with no one noticing, slipping into the shadows and listening hard to hear their muffled words.

"Emo na get gon bos op deimeika op gon deimeika op (They will reach break dawn at dawn)."

"Kom gada?" The guy I'd been talking to asked.

"Sha.  Kom gada.  Heda en fake Haihefa ste hir. Oso souda na kefa." The second one cautioned.

I narrowed my gaze as he pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to guy one.

"Hon daun disha (Take this).  Na kefa (Be careful).  Trus non (Trust no one)."

The original guy nodded and stuffed it into his pocket, before the second one turned around and left.

I slipped up to the remaining guy.

"Ai don ste wondaring taim yu'd hon daun ai hou (I was wondering if you'd take me home)." i said softly.

He smiled, "Ai na (I will)."

We left the bar together and I guided him towards the place we'd been staying.  Slowly I pulled my knife and suddenly rounded on him, his back slamming against a building with a knife to his throat.  No one was around.

"My name is Raven kom Skaikru, you are going to tell me what you know of the group that took the Nightblood girl and the place they took her to, before handing over the paper.  If you do that, I'll heavily consider sparing your life."

His eyes were wide, but he just glared at me, "I will never betray my people."

"Don't you realize by being one of them you already have?"

He huffed, "Roan is not the rightful King, he was disowned by Nia."

"And crowned by the Commander."

"The Commander is weak."

"Tell me what you know, or die."

He glared at me and I moved away from him slightly before slitting his throat.  I still ended up with blood on my left arm from holding him to the wall, but I bent down to scoop up the paper from the body before heading to the house.

"How did it go?" Clarke asked as I entered.  Everything must have been packed because everyone was sitting around waiting.

"It went okay.  I found two guys that are part of the Rebels.  Unfortunately I only got one of them, but he had this on him." I handed the paper to Lexa.

"What of the Rebel you got this from?" Roan asked.

I smiled, pulling my dagger out and showing them the blood on it and my arm, "They'll find his body in the morning." I said softly.

Roan nodded, "If word gets back to the base before we get there..."

"That's not possible, is it?" Clarke asked.

"We don't know how many in this town are undercover Rebels." Roan said softly.

"No one was around when I killed him." I pointed out.

"Roan is right though." Lexa said softly, "Unless someone walking the street sees the body, no one will know until morning.  But we should still leave earlier than we planned."

"So what does the paper say?" Luna asked.

Lexa handed it to her and Luna passed it on.  Even though I retrieved it, I was the last to read it.

"The traitor is in custody.  They'll begin her punishment tomorrow just after dawn.  She won't last long, she's soft.  Her time without Nia has made her weak."

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