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I stirred slowly.  It was warmer than it was in the tents.

"Inside.  I must be inside." It was a vague realization, but one my hazy mind managed to make anyways.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking to bring the world back into focus.  There's a part of me that just wanted to go back to sleep, but I needed to know where I was - and what had happened.

I'm wrapped in furs, laying on a surprisingly comfortable bed, and there's a small fireplace on the opposite wall that's burning.

Bellamy was sitting at my side, slumped over with his head resting on his arms on the bed and sleeping.

I smiled softly, moving my arm to run a gentle hand through his hair.

It's enough to cause him to stir.

He sat up, blinking blearily before his gaze sharpened suddenly as it caught mine.

"Echo." My name left his lips as a breath and I gave a weak smile.

"Hey." My voice was raspy and I winced slightly.

"Here." He shifted, grunting almost silently as he moved his surely-stiff back to twist around and grab a cup of what I assumed to be water.  "Drink." He said softly, hand slipping under my head to help support me as I drank the water.

"Thank you." I said softly as he placed the now empty cup back on the night table.

"Don't worry about it." He said, smiling softly.

"So how long was I out?" I asked, unable to keep the question from surfacing.

Bellamy seemed to think for a moment, "Probably about a day.  Clarke thought you might not wake up until tomorrow." He said, voice soft.

I reached out, taking his hand.  He smiled, tangling our fingers together.  "How are you?" I asked softly, worried.

He raised our hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of mine.  "I'm alright.  A few scratches and bruises, same as all of us.  You were the only one seriously injured." He said, swallowing visibly at the end.

I squeezed his hand, "Ai gonplei ste nou odon." I whispered quietly.

He nodded, "Ai get in (I know)."

I knew how his mind worked.  It was similar to my own.  If someone you cared for was hurt and there was even the slightest chance you could have stopped it, then it's your fault.  I smiled softly, squeezing his hand again, "We knew the risks."

"I wasn't about to ask you not to fight Echo.  Ontari ste seingeda (Ontari is family)."

I smiled, feeling warmed to the core at that, "Mochof." I said quietly, "How is she?" I asked, unable to resist switching subject.

Bellamy smiled, "She's alright.  All superficial injuries.  Clarke says some of them will scar, but none of them are anything more than superficial." He paused, "They wanted to break her, not kill her.  Clarke's words." He added.

I nodded, swallowing, "So how long am I on bedrest?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Not sure actually." He chuckled, smiling, "I'm assuming though, as long as you're careful, Clarke won't kill us for you going to see Ontari.  From what Raven told me, it might do you both good."

I smiled slightly as I carefully sat up, "I'm assuming that means she isn't wanting to do what they need her to."

He shrugged, carefully helping me stand, "I'm not sure, honestly I haven't left your side." He said with a smile.

I smiled back, shaking my head fondly, "Not like I was going anywhere."

He shrugged again, hanging close and letting me lean on him slightly as we went.

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