Into Battle

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The morning air was tense, as if the world itself was holding its' breath.  Not even a breeze stirs the snow or the tree leaves above our camp and not even the odd bird that has evolved to survive in Azgeda lets out a cry this morning.

No, we are only surrounded by silence.

I've been standing in silence for a while, but my gaze flittered over camp again.

Emori and Murphy stood close together.  Survivors to the core, I know.  It's all either of them has ever known.  Raven has called the latter "cockroach" more than once, and Clarke once explained the reasoning.  It almost suprised me how willing they were to enter this fight, but something tells me they are becoming more than just survivors worried only about themselves.

Bellamy and Echo stood together as well, the Azgeda's face set in determination while Bellamy stood by her - seeming to be trying to calm her nerves that only he can see.  He cares for her, deeply.  It is almost funny to think of how only a few months ago they seemed to be on opposite sides of a never-ending war.

Roan and Indra were both observing the snowy fields, lost in their own minds.  I've known Indra my whole life.  She is strong, brave, and loyal.  It is of no surprise to me that she gave not a second's hesitance to come to this fight, and I know she would fight no matter the odds against us.  Roan is an ally that I have had for years.  He is often manipulative, but he is skilled and trustworthy.  I learned that years ago...  Back with Costia...  But now we stand completely united, him as a Clan leader and I as his Heda, but now we are united not only for that - but for our family.

Luna was with Raven, quietly giving the mechanic instructions on how to wield a sword.  It suddenly hit me that Raven had almost no experience with blades, let alone how to fight.  Suddenly I am worried.  Can she really hold her own against Azgeda warriors or is she more likely to be killed if we bring her with us to this battle?

Luna caught my eye and must have read my thoughts on my face, because her eyes blazed with determination - clearly saying that Raven will fight and live.

I barely registered when Clarke took my hand, squeezing it, "Ready when you are." She whispered softly.

I nodded, "Are we all ready?" I asked, raising my voice only slightly to make sure everyone can hear.

A chorus of "Sha" and "Yes" went throughout camp, everyone stopping whatever they had been doing to completely focus on Clarke and I.

"Today we attack the base of the Nia Loyalists and we bring back our own.  We are outnumbered, and I highly doubt we will completely destroy the base.  But completely getting rid of them today is not our goal.  We will teach them that they cannot take one of us, without fighting all of us." I spoke calmly.

Everyone nodded, and then Raven spoke.

"We will completely destroy them one day soon though, right?" Raven asked.

I nodded, feeling anger course through my veins, "Yes.  Jus drein nou jus daun (Blood must not have blood), but sometimes it is too much to forgive.  These people chose to follow Nia, someone that is a known enemy of the Coalition, and for that they will pay with their lives, even if they do not all today."

Raven nodded, a grim look on her face but she didn't look displeaseed.

"We should begin." Roan broke in calmly.

I nodded.

We had decided that we would break into three groups.  The first would attack directly from the front.  The other two would attack at an angle and we would all converge at the gate for the battle.

The frontal assault was a way to trick them into opening the gates because of how small our numbers would appear (or, at least smaller than they actually are).

"Clarke, Echo, Bellamy, with me." I stated calmly.  We'd be Team A, frontal assault.

Forming Team B, who would be attacking from this side of the entrance, was Luna, Raven, Octavia, and Indra.

Forming Team C, who would have to make it across the entrance gap unseen and climb the hills to attack from that angle, was Lincoln (due to his scout training), Roan (thanks to his Azgeda training), Emori (her time hiding in the deserts of the Dead Zone give her an unrivaled stealth skill), and Murphy (who has personal training from Emori).

Team C left as soon as I finished speaking, Team B heading for the hill.  The four of us stayed put for about half an hour before we began striding towards the opening in the hills.

I ended up as point, Echo and Bellamy flanking me on either side as Clarke took up the rear to watch our back.

We all have our weapons drawn, ready for the fight.  I have my swords, as does Clarke, while Bellamy wielded a single sword.  Echo had her bow and quiver full of arrows strapped to her back, but had her sword drawn.

The gates opened when they noticed us, at least fifteen warriors standing there, all armed.

We paused, fifteen feet away from attacking distance.

"We have heard of your bravery Commander, but not of reckless foolishness." One of them, the apparent leader, taunted.

"It is not my intelligence in question, but yours for taking one of my family." I declared calmly.

He chuckled, "You come to fight us with you and three warriors.  We have almost fifty!"

My lips pressed into a thin line, "Do not underestimate your enemies." I threatened.

Not giving him time to respond, I raised one of my swords high over my head and brought it down pointed at them.  Then the four of us charged forward.

The battle was instantaneous.  I swung my sword at the leader, who blocked it with his own.  Brinign my other blade around, I tried to sneak a strike but he twisted to block.

Slowly we forced our way inside, the other two teams joining our assault and lightening the load (however slightly).  While the leader was distracted by the reinforcements, I slit his throat, barely noticing as his blood squirted onto my neck and armor.

I charged on, slashing at the warriors.

At some point Clarke appeared at my side, both of us spattered in blood that (at least as far as I knew) was only minimally ours.  Every once in a while I'd risk a glance around, but I couldn't  find any of the others amongst the crowd of warriors.

The battle wore on, my muscles beginning to ache and burn in protest at the continued effort of blocking and attacking my opponents.

The warriors were thinning now though.  A handful had retreated, disappearing into the snow, but only a few were left, and they were weakening fast.

It didn't take long to finish them off, and I looked around, breath panting as I started taking roll of where everyone was, making sure everyone was alright.

My blood ran cold as Bellamy spoke from somewhere behind me and to my left.

"Where's Echo?"

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