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The two talked for a few more minutes before going to bed for the night, Riku showed him to the room next to his own. They started out in different rooms, but as the night played out, Riku squirmed around on his bed, a dream playing out in his mind as he slept. 


A small space.

A closet of sorts.

Like a tiny room and the walls are getting smaller.

His vision faded as he shook, breathing heavily.


Riku shot up breathing heavily his vision clouded over as he stood and stumbled out of the room, forgetting his brother wasn't home. His claustrophobia in full drive as he stumbled down the hall to his brother's room. Opening the door he saw the empty room then it hit him. He was alone, to deal with his own fear by himself. He shook as his back hit the wall in the hallway his eyes clenched tightly as he slid down it whimpering as his hands covered his eyes. A door creaking softly as it opened down the hall startled him as he looked around, the air suffocating him as the walls closed in. His back pressed against the wall more as he tried catching his breath, his eyes blinking rapidly.

Takashi had heard him stumbling around in the hall only a moment ago and went to see what was wrong, seeing his friend and fiance sitting on the floor shaking surprised him. He quickly walked over as Riku started blinking, he settled on crouching down as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Riku..?" Riku looked over, his face holding fear as his body shook slightly under Mori's touch. Takashi settled on his knees in front of him as he pulled him into a loose hug.

"What happened..?"

"I-I... I had... A nightmare... A-about a closet... A-and I was i-in it..." Takashi was confused for a moment before realizing his fiance was claustrophobic, he ran his had through the white locks of messy hair. This calmed him down enough so he wasn't shaking anymore and more relaxed in Mori's arms. Mori slowly stood, taking Riku with him, they made their way back to the room Takashi was staying in. Mori sat down on the edge of the bed, having Riku settled on his lap, this made the white-haired boy's face flare up in red as he tried moving away.

Mori smiled slightly and ran a hand up and down his back softly as he nuzzled his face into Riku's neck softly, he was tired, and a tired Mori was slightly more relaxed than his usual self. Riku let out a breath as he smiled slightly, his phobia forgotten as he pushed Mori onto the bed, laying down next to him.

"Go back to sleep... Sorry for waking you up..." Mori shook his head slightly his smile on his lips still.

"No, I'd rather stay up to see your face..." His eyes softened as Riku blushed heavily, about to leave the room when Takashi grabbed his hand.

"Stay, so I can comfort you if you wake back up..." Riku reluctantly laid down as far away from Mori as he could get. Takashi frowned softly as he moved closer to him, wrapping his arm around the boy's waist softly. As both of them fell asleep Riku's thoughts roamed.

'A tired Takashi Morinozuka...

Is a flirt Morinozuka..

And I just so happen to like a flirty Morinozuka...'

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