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As the hosts opened the door to the house, letting Syusuke into his home first, they noticed a few things out of place.

"We were just here yesterday... Maybe he fell or something..." The twins said in sync as they picked up a knocked over vase from a nearby stand. A maid came flying down the stairs and clung to Syusuke's arm.

"M-master Syusuke!! They took him!!" Tears streamed down her face as he yelled and cried.

"Who Marie? Who took who..?"

"M-men, late at n-night yesterday... Th-they came in and-and took Master Riku! The study was a mess, the picture of your parents broken! He wouldn't have done it on purpose! He's gone!" She cried even more as he tears spilled over her cheeks and chin. The hosts were stunned by what she said, Kyouya was on the phone almost immediately, getting his own police force involved, Takashi and Mitsukuni had dark aura's around them as they walked into the study to see it. Tamaki and the twins clung to Syusuke while Haruhi was talking to Kyouya.

~One Week Later~With Riku~

His arm laid across the table, strapped down as the man in front of him held a rather large needle in his hand. Riku had bruises and cuts, slashes and scratches. His knuckles were raw from trying to go against the men that held him, and his shins and knee were just as bad from kicking at the metal door for hours every day. His voice dry and strained from lack of water, lips split from the punching, stomach bruised heavily from the kicking.

He shifted in the seat he was handcuffed and tied to, a wooden chair, very uncomfortable. His back stung from the open wounds pressing against the hardwood.

"If you sign off the company to your uncle, we'll let you go" The man holding the needle said, Riku looked up through his white hair with a fierce glare.

"You... Can tell that... Son of a bitch... That I am NOT giving over the only thing my FATHER, HIS OWN BROTHER, LEFT ME AFTER HE DIED, DAMN IT!" His voice cracked multiple times from being overused from yelling over the past week. The man shook his head slightly before pressing the needle to his arm.

"Didn't want to do this son... You had a long life ahead of you... Sorry kid..." He said as he pressed the tip of the sharp needle to his skin, Riku struggled and lashed out against the constraints. The rope bounds broke loose as the sound of metal against wood hitting each other was heard from the handcuffs. Riku pulled harsher as the needle tip was about to break skin, his wrist turning red and skin breaking, trickles of blood running down his hand from the cut the handcuff made. 

With one last ditch effort, he screamed. He screamed until his voice wouldn't let him. 

The screaming started nearby police from the Ootori private police force watching the area, they were quick to call in the noise to the youngest Ootori boy. Who was quick to come with his friends in tow. When they got there the screaming was still going.

Riku throat was turning raw as he screamed, the men around him retracted from the sudden break when his voice box finally gave out he panted softly and lifted his hand up, while he distracted the men he got his handcuffed and free. The men were stunned as Riku quickly untied his restrained arm, he was weak from dehydration and couldn't do much, he didn't have a phone, he was injured, and had four men around him. One holding a drug in a syringe that may kill him. He lost most of his hope with a final smile adn stayed in the chair, not bothing to move, he knew his fate.

He was outnumbered.

And probably wouldn't make it out of this one...

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