• Tear Marks •

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We've started a problem

People are taking sides

It's our own personal war



I'll admit, I'm not the biggest fan of the sport itself, but all of my friends are on the team so therefore I have to at least enjoy it.

I woke up and my face was stiff.

I ran my hand down my face and when I pulled away, it was wet.

I frowned, it couldn't be blood.

Then I remembered just how I went to sleep last night.


Must've been the tear marks.

I used the collar of my t-shirt I slept in and wiped them away, groaning inside because I knew my eyes were going to be insanely puffed up.

I pulled away the curtains to my bed and stood up, yawning.

"Ah, Sleeping Beauty has awaken! Miracles do happen," Ginny smirked at me from her trunk.

"Hurry up, we're going to be late for warm ups," Ginny said.

I shook my head, "I still don't get why McGonagall decided that the first day back should start with a quidditch match."

Ginny shrugged, "Who knows, but It's against Slytherin so we'd better win. We haven't lost to Slytherin since I was in first year and that was because they were playing dirty."

I rolled my eyes and started to get dressed.

"So I uh- I heard about last night," Ginny said, wringing her hands.

"Oh you did? News sure travels fast in these halls," I huffed, pulling on a jacket and going to brush my teeth.

"Well, actually, most of the school was there, you know- watching," Ginny pointed out.

I gave her a look, "I realized."

Ginny sighed, "I didn't realize you guys were so close."

I grabbed my shoes and glared at them as I began to put them on, "Were is the key word in that sentence."

Ginny sighed, "I'm sorry, Hermione. He's a prat for leaving."

I waved her off, "It's alright. Stop worrying about me and get in your game mode."

She grinned and grabbed my arm, pulling me down to the great hall for breakfast.

As soon as I sat down next to Ginny and across from Harry and Ron, Dean slid in next to me and Seamus diagonal from me.

"Hiya Hermione," Dean smiled.

I smiled back, "Morning, Dean."

He nudged me and muttered, "Don't worry, I'm on your side."

I frowned at him, "Sorry?"

He shrugged, "I'm on your side for that whole argument you had with Malfoy. The whole school is saying whose side they're on," he turned to look at the houses while he continued, "Slytherin's on Malfoy's side for obvious reasons. Gryffindor's on your side for obvious reasons. Ravenclaw's mostly on our side but a few are on Malfoy's. Oh, and Hufflepuff is mostly Malfoy's side give or take a few."

I looked at Ginny, "Did you know about this?"

She nodded, "Yeah, after you stormed off I went to follow you but everyone just basically started a mob. People were arguing about your argument. People started taking sides."

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