I Know

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Keep your loved ones close

Don't let them walk away

They'll be the ones who save your day


Five books lay spread open along with a tower of books planted to the right, taking up the huge table in the library.

I bit the end of my quill before spitting out white fuzz, forgetting it wasn't a pen.

It was around dinner time and I hadn't moved since early afternoon, writing notes about the legilimency spell.

Apparently it was an extremely hard skill to master and even harder to perform wandless. Draco must've been taught by a death eater. Maybe his father or Snape.

Legilimency spells allow you to see memories, thoughts, even emotions another person is experiencing.

This spell could be used for many bad reasons, which is why people master the art of occlumency, the skill to block an unwanted legilimency spell.

Knuckles tapping against the table startled me back to reality and I looked up to see Harry smiling knowingly at me.

He slid into the seat across from me and I sighed, flipping one of the books closed, "Are you here to yell at me for skipping dinner?"

He shook his head, "No, but I had thought that we were over that now," disapproval shone brightly in his eyes.

"I was just about to-"

He shook his head and sighed, "'Mione, don't. We both know that sentence will be a lie. You're researching, you've got at least another three hours until you even consider food."

I rolled my eyes at him and huffed, am I really that predictable?

No, we're just best friends.

I glared at him, "You know how to do that too?"

He tried to suppress a smile but ended up failing, "Hermione, do you remember the lessons with Snape?"

My mind swam, "But those were for Occlumency!" I yelled.

He nodded, "They were. Snape also taught me about legilimency, he thought I could use it against Voldemort possibly," he frowned at me, "You really don't remember this, do you?"

I grunted, crossing my arms, "I was kind of busy at that time as well, you know."

Harry shook his head, smiling as he scanned the books, "Any reason you suddenly want to learn how to do this?"

"Draco could do it and It spiked my curiosity," I shrugged.

Harry nodded and his eyebrows drew close.

"What is it?" I asked.

Harry looked up in surprise, "I keep forgetting you can do that."

I rolled my eyes, "What? Read you like a book?"

He shrugged and sighed, "It's just- you and Draco-"

I groaned.

"Hey, don't give me that. I just- I don't want you to get hurt again. Hermione, you don't know how much it hurts me to see you upset. And when Malfoy left- you broke. It killed me to see you like that. I just- I want you to be absolutely certain you can trust him before you fall madly in love again," Harry uttered.

My heart swelled and I reached for his hand, "Don't worry, Harry, I've learned my lesson. He's lost my trust, It'll go slow, I'll make sure he's who I want."

Harry raised his eyebrow at me, "And slow is sleeping with him on the couch in the common room you share with four other people?"

I swatted him and my cheeks flamed, "Exactly! Sleeping is all we did."

Harry smiled, "You'd better, or else Malfoy'd better watch himself."

I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't help but smile, "I'll be sure to pass on the message."

Harry held my hand again, serious now, "Just know that whatever happens, I'll be there for you. No matter what."

I grinned, "I know."

Because I did know. Harry had been my first real friend here at Hogwarts, when I was eleven. And he hasn't failed me yet.

"Alright, lets get started," Harry sighed.

I frowned, "Sorry?"

He gestured to the books, "Are you going to practice on me or what?"

I grinned and held up my wand, ready to figure out this bloody spell.

• • •

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