• I'm Sorry•

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Best Friend

You're my sibling and closest Friend

What did I do to deserve someone like you


"This has gone on for way too long. She needs help."

"You think I don't know that?"

"I think you know that but you don't care."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about Ginny, maybe you should go calm down your boyfriend."

"She cried over you, you know. I haven't seen her eat in the past four days. She barely even sleeps! And you know why? Because you broke her. That's your doing!"

"She needs her parents."

"We can't make that decision for her."


Loud footsteps echoed and then a door slammed shut.

Someone grabbed my hand and I flinched. The person chuckled, "It's me, Love."

I groaned, my body throbbing, "Dr...c..o," I whined.

"I'm here. I won't leave you ever again, Love. I promise."

Something warm pressed against my temple. Lips.

"I promise."

The next time I woke up, the chair next to my bed was unoccupied, but a copy of the newest daily prophet sat on the seat.

I reached over to grab it and flicked my hair out of my face to read it.

My Dear Readers,

I'm pleased to share with you yet another juicy story about a member of the Golden Trio.

Hermione Granger, who is proclaimed to be the smartest witch of her age, and young Draco Malfoy, ex deatheater, have kept a secret from us for a very long time.

What's that secret, you may ask?

Well, turns out that last year, the two Forbidden Lovers had fallen for each other but had decided to keep their relationship a secret. The two had parted ways at the end of the battle until they both reunited back at Hogwarts for their eigth year.

Now I asked Miss. Granger about her and the young Malfoy's relationship and she was very sensitive about the matter. Obviously, the two of them have had a rocky relationship.

When I asked Miss. Granger about the relationship Miss. Granger told me that, "There is no such thing!"

She continued to say, "If I want to end a relationship with someone, that's my choice, and my choice alone." She proceeded to stomp away from me.

Did Hermione Granger, the brains of the light side break up with the Slytherin Prince Draco Malfoy?

More on the topic to come.

~ Reeta Skeeter

I threw the paper at the chair and gripped my hair, anger rushing through me.

"I'll take it you saw the paper?"

I looked up and saw Ginny standing there with a plate of food.

I nodded.

"Malfoy's pretty pissed too," she said, setting the plate on my lap, "Come on Hermione, don't think I don't notice you haven't eaten since you came back."

I shrugged, "I haven't been hungry."

Ginny rolled her eyes, "That's physically not possible. It's been five days."

I shrugged and played with the sheets of the dorm room bed.

"I'm worried about you 'Mione," she sighed.

My stomach spun, I hated people worrying about me. I always felt guilty.

"These nightmares are happening more regularly aren't they?" She asked.

I hesitated, then nodded.

She sighed, "I told him-"

I interrupted her and said, "How long have I been in this bed?"

Ginny sighed, "Malfoy took you first to the infirmary but Madam Pomfrey said she couldn't do anything to help so he just took you up here. He also wouldn't leave."

I frowned, "I heard someone arguing with you-"

She nodded, "That's him alright."

I sighed, "I'm sorry."

She frowned at me, "What are you sorry for?"

"Troubling you all, making you worry, being weak, allowing myself to keep having these nightmares-"

Ginny scowled, "Stop right there. You are not troubling us. We're only worried because we love you. You are under no circumstances weak. And these nightmares are not coming because you 'allow' them to. These nightmares are not your fault. Don't you ever say that again."

My lip twitched, "You're going to make a terrifying and wonderful mother some day."

We laughed together as the sun began to set.

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