I Swear To You

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I've been waiting for this,

The day I can give you a kiss,

And promise you that lead you amiss


"Get your miserable arse off my couch Zabini!" Draco groaned, throwing himself down to sit on Blaise's back, causing Blaise to gasp for breath, dramatic as always.

"I'll never move. Do your worst," Blaise glared up at him, smirking and coughing.

Draco grinned so big it looked like he was a little kid on Christmas, "You're gonna wish you hadn't said that."

Draco pulled out his wand, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Rictusempra."

Blaise immediately stilled, pure terror covered his handsome face, "Drake-"

He was immediately interrupted by his own laughter as Draco grinned, catching my eyes and winking at me. I rolled my eyes at them while Ginny and Pansy were about hugging each other they were laughing so hard. Harry simply grinned, shaking his head at them.

I looked up at the sound of the portrait opening, noticing McGonagall smiling fondly at the group of us. I pulled out my wand and muttered a counter curse, causing Blaise to gasp for breath, muttering a 'thank you' somewhere in there.

"Lovely, you're all here," McGonagall nods, gazing warily at Blaise, who sounded like he was dying while an innocent looking Draco sat on top of him.

"What can we do for you, Professor?" Draco grinned, nudging Blaise in the ribs to shut him up before he crossed the common room to sit on the ground in front of me, using my legs as a backrest.

I rolled my eyes and played with his long hair.

McGonagall purses her lips disapprovingly at Blaise and cleared her throat, "Now, I am sure you all remember the reason for you six living in this common room," she looked pointedly at Draco and me, I smiled weakly, "However, now that the year is coming to its end and there will no longer be yet another war over the drama between Miss. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, you all no longer need to share a common room."

I opened my mouth to argue but it wouldn't do anything. I sighed, dropping my hands from Draco's hair. His hands slid to my legs, gripping them while his thumbs traced patterns. I slid my hands down to loosely hang down to his chest, which he grabbed with one hand.

Ginny and Pansy smiled sadly at each other, Pansy leaning slightly against Ginny's shoulder. Blaise pouted, naturally. Harry simply nodded, glancing down.

I stood, my arms falling out of Draco's grip. I walked toward McGonagall, about to ask why they couldn't remain here for the next two weeks.

McGonagall turned to me, her eyes seemed to shine, "Miss. Granger, surely you are not discouraged, after all, you were against this from the very beginning," I grimaced, mad at my past self, "No matter, you'll be sharing more than a living space from now on, so I hardly think this matters."

I drew my eyebrows together in confusion, "Pardon, Professor?"

She smiled slightly, "Well, I'd best be going. Remember, this is your last year, go out with a bang."

I swear she winked at Draco before she glided out of the portrait.

"I am so incredibly confused right now," I admitted, I turned, "Draco, what did she-"

I gasped.

When I turned around, Draco was grinning up at me, his long platinum hair low over his face, which he irritably swept out of his eyes. He was on one knee, his hand outstretched with a red box with green ribbon.

I turned to look at the others.

Blaise was hugging a pillow to his chest, looking like a kid in a candy shop. Harry was grinning and had walked over to Ginny, who was tense all over, looking like she was about to explode. Pansy looked proud, winking at me as I caught my eye.

"Hermione, I know I tell you this a lot, but I can't help it. I love you. I love you so much that it physically hurts to be away from you. For the past seven, maybe eight years, you've always been on my mind, even ask Blaise," I turned, laughing as a tear slipped from my eye to Blaise, who was nodding, wiping his own eye.

"The blond prat wouldn't shut up about your hair or your eyes, or the fact that-" Blaise cut off sheepishly, "Sorry, you're proposing, not me."

I laughed, grinning down at Draco. He shook his head and continued, "You are the greatest things that has ever happened to me, Hermione. I don't even want to think about where I would be right now if I didn't have you by my side. I'd be lost. I know I'm an idiot for leaving you. It's the dumbest thing I have ever done. I swear to you, Hermione, I will never leave you ever again."

I had to blink faster, the tears were starting to blur his face out, and I was not about to miss him proposing because I blinded myself while crying.

"So," he swallowed hard and I knew he was nervous. I rolled my eyes at him, he had absolutely nothing to be nervous about.

"Hermione Jean Granger, will you continue to make me the happiest man in the world and become a Malfoy?"

I laughed.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, finally.

I smiled at him and kneeled down to him, cupping his face with my hands, "Any day."

• • •
Cauuute. Working on the Epilogue right now.

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