• Please •

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I've suffered and I've cried

But every time you hold me in your arms

You make it feel like everything will be alright


"You've got to be kidding," Harry's jaw dropped.

I looked up from the breakfast I had yet to touch; I had a long night of nightmares and was riding on three hours of sleep.

"What?" I asked, following his eyes.

Rita Skeeter stood in the doorway of the entryway into the Great Hall with her magical quill and her parchment at the ready.

"What the bloody hell is she doing here?" Ron asked around the food in his mouth.

"I have no idea, but I know for a fact that this isn't going to be good," I muttered.

"You are 100% correct. Mostly because she's on her way over here," Ginny said from behind her pumpkin juice.

I nudged Ron, who sat two seats over from me. He looked at me, confused. I tried to gesture for him to move next to me so that Skeeter couldn't sit there, but I forgot he's an idiot.

I glared at him as Skeeter slid in next to me, grinning. Ron just turned back to his food.

"Well isn't this just my lucky day. The golden trio all at the same table!" She exclaims.

Harry didn't even bother faking a smile, "What are you doing here Skeeter?"

Reeta Skeeter winked at him, "Ah, you save the world a couple times and you think you're a superstar!"

Harry glared at her, "A few times?"

Ginny set her hand on his and his shoulders relaxed.

I smiled at the two of them, they were so cute and perfect together. Ginny brought out the best in Harry. Harry was always there to calm her down and make her smile.

The moment was ruined when I saw Skeeter's parchment.

Anger flared in me, "I am not 'gazing longingly at Harry and Ginny's affectionate relationship'!"

She grinned as she bit the end of her quill and sized me up, "I've been waiting for the fiery Granger we know and love to show up. I am here, Mr. Potter, to interview Miss. Granger and Mr. Malfoy about their relationship that has recently been revealed."

I stood, anger practically radiating off of me, "You will do no such thing! Besides, there is no such thing. I don't have to tell you anything because It's my life! If I want to have a relationship with someone that's my choice and my choice alone. If i want to end a relationship with someone, that's my choice and my choice alone. There is no reason reporters should be asking personal questions just to feed their readers and to make up fake rumors to make me look bad! I'm done!"

I know that the entire Great Hall is dead silent. I know that they are all watching me. And I know that they are whispering about me.

I don't care.

Class only starts in 15 minutes anyways.

I waited outside the Transfiguration classroom.

I leaned against the wall and slid to the ground, resting my head against my knee but making sure to keep my eyes open.

Footsteps startle me and I glance up as black shoes stopped next to my ankles.

I groan when I see them and put my head back down, "Draco, now really is not the time."

Draco sat down on the floor next to me and was silent. That's what bugged me the most.

"What are you doing?" I asked, weakly.

He shrugged, "Trying to make things up to you."

I looked at him, "By calming me down after I have screaming matches with reporters?"

He chuckled as his fingers dance along the back of my hand before taking my hand into his lap and interlocking her fingers with mine.

My hand stiffened.

"It's me, Love."

I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked, causing my lip to twitch.

The flash of a camera startled both of us and our hands sprung apart. I groaned and stood up, Draco following my lead.

"What the hell do we need to do to get rid of you? Throw water on you?" I asked, bluntly.

She chuckled, "I simply just want to ask some questions."

I gave Draco a look.

"Now I've heard that while you, Harry, and Ronald were on the hunt, the three of you were captured and taken to the Malfoy manor-"

My heart stopped.

"- and I've also heard that you were there, Mr. Malfoy. Now, Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured you, Miss. Granger, for answers-"

Draco gripped my shoulder and glared at Skeeter, "That's enough."

It was too late. My mind had already pulled me in. And there was no escaping it

I lie, sprawled out on the cold floor, gasping for breath.

Bellatrix leered at me as she circled me.

She kicked my head and it snapped to the other side.

My vision blurred, but despite the fog, his face stood out.

He stood in the corner, sobbing silently. His face twisting in pain the way mine has as I've taken the crucio curse and Bellatrix's knife. His hands clutched into fists and he took a step forward, I used the last of my energy to shake my head at him. Trying to tell him that it would only make it that much worse.

"Please," I wheezed.

My voice was weak, but so was my body.

Draco took a step back and I sighed in relief.

Above me, however, Bellatrix cackled, thinking I was begging her. Draco knew I was talking to him.

She leaned over my face and smacked me so hard my head spun, "Pathetic."


I screamed at the pain, not even trying to hold back anymore.

It was like a million needles digging into my skin and my breath was being sucked out of me.

"Love!" Someone called, but I was in too much pain.

"Hermione, please!"

I opened my eyes and I was in someone's arms. They held me against their chest and was carrying me somewhere. My left arm burned and I cradled it while I sobbed into the strangers shirt.


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