Good News and Bad News

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Even if it's forced

I'd be okay

If it meant you and I could be together some day


I waited until we were all on our way out of the common room before telling Harry and Ginny about last night.

Ron had already gone down to breakfast, insisting we were taking too long and his stomach was practically eating itself.

I hadn't really wanted to tell anyone, especially Ron, in the great hall, in case things got a little heated. With Ron, there's a good 99% that'll happen.

And I'm being generous.

"-And now he and I have to share a common room so that we can 'come together and figure out our problems together' or something," I rolled my eyes as I relayed McGonagall's words.

Harry stared at me, "Hold on, you have to live with him?"

I nodded.

"That's outrageous!" Harry cried. 

So very happy we weren't in the Great hall.

Ginny was frowning next to me, "Well that's bullsh-"

"Ginny," Harry casually said.

I nodded, "I know, and now you're going to be all alone in the dorm and I'll be with him."

Ginny shook her head, "I'll talk to McGonagall, sort something out while you tell Ron."

I grimaced, "Wanna switch?"

She grinned, "Not a chance."

"You what?" Ron yelled.

I held my head in my hands, I knew this was going to happen.

"Would you settle down, please?" I groaned.

He shook his head, "But- why?"

"I just bloody told you why!" I exclaimed, exasperated.

He frowned, "I'm sorry, Hermione. That's going to suck."

He nodded, as if agreeing with himself and stuffed a whole pancake into his mouth.

My face screwed up and I shook my head at him.

Ginny slid in next to me on the bench, "I've got good news and bad news."

"Bad news?" I asked.

She nodded, "Pansy and Blaise are also now your room mates."

I gripped the table, "What?"

She grinned, "Ask me what's the good news."

I whimpered, "What's the good news?"

"Harry and I also are your roommates!"

I blinked, "What?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, "I went up to McGonagall and told her it wasn't fair to put you two in there all alone and I said that Harry and I want to be there. She said she'd allow it and now our room is next to yours-"

Beside me, Harry choked on his pumpkin juice, "We're sharing?" He sputtered.

Ginny gave him a look, "Yes we're sharing. Problem?" her eyes narrowed at him.

He's dead.


Get it?

Harry shook his head so fast I was sure he was dizzy, "Not at all, Sweetheart. Just pleasantly surprised is all!"

I frowned, "So how are Pansy and Blaise a part of this now?"

"Ferre-" she glanced at me, "Malfoy overheard me and thought it unfair that he'd be there alone so then Pansy and Blaise were invited."

Students began to file out of the Great hall and I longed to join them but I sat still until the last few students left, leaving Harry, Ginny, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and I in the Great hall alone.

Great Idea.

"Oi, Weaselette, Potter, If I hear you two fooling around and you wake me up I will not hesitate to cast a spell so that you cannot have children," Blaise smirks.

Ginny grins, "Aww Blaise, you'd cast the protection charm for us? How generous."

Harry's face was crimson.

Blaise looked almost impressed and he grinned, "You sure you're in the right house, Red?"

McGonagall walked into the room before Ginny could reply, "Good morning. As you all know you'll be moving to a new common room. This is not a punishment, merely a push in the right direction. Now, your password is Unity and I recommend not sharing the password with anyone else. You'll remain in this common room while it is necessary. Have I made myself clear?"

We all responded and she nodded, "Good. Now, your trunks are already in the common room, as well as all your belongings. The common room is on the third floor, a portrait of a girl will greet you. Off you go, and I expect you to be in your next class."

We stand and make our way out of the Great Hall silently, but as soon as we made it past the doors, Blaise immediately turns to Draco, grinning, "You think the portrait will be hot?"

Draco threw him a disgusted look, "Mate, McGonagall said it was a girl, what if it's like a two year old?"

Blaise's happy expression fell, but then immediately it returned, "You think we can jump on the beds?"

Harry groaned, "You ever get tired of listening to yourself?"

Blaise was about to retort when I interrupted, "Oh look, we're here."

We approached a painting of a little girl with pigtails and a bright pink dress who was grinning.

Blaise swore, "You're right, she is two."

The girl glared at Blaise, "I'm six!"

"Great first impression, Blaise. If you get locked out I'm not getting you," Pansy smirked.

The little girl grinned once she saw Ginny, "What's the password?"

Ginny smiled at the girl, "Unity."

The girl spun around happily as the portrait revealed the opening to the common room.

"Unity- what a bloody unique- Bloody hell!" Blaise gasped.

The common room looked amazing. It was about as wide as the slytherin common room, but bright like the Gryffindor common room.

I've been to the Slytherin common room several times for... different things...

Anyways, subtly changing the subject.

Silvers and reds were thrown around as well as green and yellow. Four couches were in a square shape, facing each other as a table stood in the middle with wood spread on it. The fireplace roared with a bright fire, casting shadows across the walls.

Two doors were also in the common room, one had Ginny and Harry's names on it, the other had Pansy an Blaise's.

"Where do you suppose our rooms are?" I asked.

Draco turned and pointed to the staircase, "I'm going to guess up there."

We made our way up the stairs and I went to the left while he went to the right. I opened the door to a room full of silver and green. I shut the door quickly and turned, passing Draco in the small hallway.


"Yep," I agreed.

I opened my door and was met by a huge bed with red covers and yellow designs, my trunk at the foot of the bed and a bright window seat with a bookshelf next to it.

I grinned, this might not be so bad.

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