The Irony

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You know me too well

It's as if

You hadn't left me alone and stayed instead


I woke up to a loud feminine voice, practically dripping with sarcasm, "You think they're back together?"

"Shut up, Red," Draco moaned from underneath me.

I laughed as I sat up, wrapping the blanket around myself, "Where are you two heading off to this early?" I yawned, glancing at the clock.

"'Mione, it's almost eleven," Ginny finally came into view, her eyebrows furrowed as she searched wildly around, "Harry and I are going to practice on the pitch so we can kill some snakes tomorrow."

Draco cleared his throat, hinting to Ginny that he in fact heard.

"Oh, I know you're under there, Ferret," she murmured, continuing to wildly demolish the couches in search for something.

Draco huffed in annoyance and I sat on his legs since he took up the couch, "Ginny, what in Godric's name are you looking for?"

"I had it here last night, I just-" she looked at us in horror and then disgust, pointing to the couch, "You guys did it on my jacket!"

I rolled my eyes at her and rummaged under the couch cushion for her jacket and throwing it at her, "You're disgusting," I scoffed at her.

She flipped her gleaming red hair over her shoulder and rolled her eyes as she slid on the jacket, making sure I saw the disgust on her face as she touched it with her fingertips, "I'm disgusting? You guys are the ones that aggressively released your pent up sexual tension on top of my jacket."

"Screw you Ginevra Weasley!" I shouted after Ginny as she and Harry walked out the portrait, Harry chuckling and complimenting Ginny on her wit as they went.

Ginny simply laughed and replied, "There's no one better, Sweetheart."

I hesitantly looked over at Draco and about burst out in laughter at the apprehensive look on his face, "How the bloody hell does she come up with that stuff? Does she have a journal somewhere I can steal?"

"Draco," I rolled my eyes, swatting his knee.

"I mean, I can just write them on my hand, she'll never know-"

I leaned over him, my arms placed on the couch on either side of his chest, holding me up as I pressed my lips to his lips, grinning as I pulled away, "You talk too much."

He shook with deep laughter, pulling my face to his, causing me to lose my balance and catch myself on his chest, "The irony," he breathed huskily into my ear, taking the lobe between his teeth and biting it, causing me to shiver.

The things he does to me.

Why thank you.

I abruptly sat up, frowning at him while he lays there smirking cockily, "How the hell did you do that?"

"Legilimency spell, Granger," He mockingly gasped, "Don't tell me you don't know this certain spell Miss. Brightest Witch of Her Age."

I glared at him, "That is so unfair."

He smirked, "What is?"

"You can't just read my thought when we... do that," My cheeks burning.

That only made his smirk grow, "Do what Granger?"

I glared at him, "I'm not doing this with you again, Draco."

Draco mockinly frowned, feigning confusion, "Which aren't you doing with me precisely? The sex or the conversation?"

My cheeks burned as I struggled to contain my infatuation.

I rolled off of him, grabbing my sweater from the night before and tugging my hair into a bun, grabbing my book bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

Draco groaned, "Where the bloody hell are you going?"

"The library."


I simply ignored him. I was going to figure out how to do this Legilimency spell.

• • •

Quick note. I am extremely sorry it took me forever and a day to finish this especially since it's nothing special. Was having terrible writers block and I'm a sophomore in high school taking two college classes which is turning out to be a crap tone of work. Thank you for not giving up on this book and I promise I will update more regularly now and will try my best to make this a great read!
Also, my school is dumb and blocked Wattpad on my laptop so that's also a reason I haven't been updating regularly.
One more thing is that if you've read my books before this one you'll recognize the legilimency and hopefully the people reading this book will be more open minded than the other readers lol.
Please leave suggestions, comments and feedback! Love you all ❤️

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