Warm and Cold

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It's alright Love

Don't you worry

I will always be there for you in a hurry


I rolled over again, restless.

I groaned and heaved myself up to my elbows, glancing at the clock.

1 am.

I sighed and threw back the covers, stretching as I walked to my door.

I glanced at Draco's door, which was cracked open slightly.

My curiosity got the best of me and I padded to his door.

Draco was facing me, his eyes squeezed shut, his eyebrows furrowed. His lips opened and closed every once and a while, his body jerking.

He's having a nightmare.

I bit my lip, should I go in there and wake him up?

I shook my head and took a step back, he wouldn't want me to. He'd probably get mad.

I sighed and made my way down the steps into the common room, lit up only by the fire.

I smiled in relief that no one else was up and settled into the couch that was across from the fireplace.

I curled into a ball - a habit I've developed, and wrapped a Gryffindor blanket around myself. I stared into the fire, watching the flames dance.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been there, but soon after I'd settled in, I heard footsteps and I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the questions.

I opened them immediately when I heard sobs.

Draco was on the last step, blinking away tears when he saw me.

"Hermione?" He croaked.

I stood, nodding.

He looked around rapidly, "Is this a dream? Are you here?"

My heart shattered as he took a step towards me, reaching out for me, before shaking his head and stepping back.

"It's me, Draco. I'm here. I'm okay," I said, walking swiftly into his embrace.

He nodded as he clutched me against him.

I pulled away, grabbing his arm and leading him to the couch.

He collapsed onto the couch, pulling me with him. I landed on top of him, but he didn't seem to mind.

I smiled down at him, caressing his cheek with my hand and kissing his lips softly.

They were warm, another thing people got wrong about Draco. He wasn't as cold as he seemed.

I pulled away and laid my head on his chest, smiling at the familiar feeling of laying next to him.

"Hermione," he whispered against my head as he ran his hand through my hair, his arm slung around my shoulder and his hand resting on my waist, pulling me against him as I pulled a blanket over top of us.

That was the first night in over three months I've slept without nightmares.

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