The wind in my face

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After we have dinner we all split our ways since we didn't stay in the same dorm. Ai'Kit and Ai'Beam stay in thw same dorm, so they go together in Beam's car and go by myself. 

As I park my car in the lot, I saw a white audi pull in front of the building. And a small baby face boy step out from the passenger side. I wasnstund in how beautiful the boy or perhaps he's a girl, I mean she. Urgh! Now I'm confused. Can a guy look this gorgeous? As I step out of my car in a slow motion kinda type,  he turned around to my direction and our eyes met. As we having a staring contest,  I feel a gush of wind blew in my face. His eyes, seem so familiar. 

As I'm unconsciously walked towards him, I can see a pinkish color on his cheeks. Is he blushing? How cute? Wait, did I just said he's cute? Yeah, yes I did. I'm not gonna lie, he is the most beautiful creature that I've ever seen in my life. He's like a goddess descend on this planet as a punishment. Wait, he can't b a goddess since he a boy, he must a god, an angel for heaven sake I don't care what he is as long as he is put on this planet for me. 

"Hi, are you a freshman in the dorm?" I gather all my courage to ask him. He just stare at me with his lip slightly parted. Is he in shock? Well, of course he is. How could he not? Just look at me how handsome I am? Not to toot my own horn, but all the attention I am getting from both girls and boys,  I can say it confidently and plus I'm last year university moon. So, yeah. To make sure he could hear my question I ask him again,  just a little bit louder. He shakes his head and come out from his daze. And ask " I.. a fr..fresh..freshmen here, umm?" I see he is nervous since he is fidgeting and stuttering.  Omg, he is so cute is face just change from pink to a shade of red. To see his other reaction I walk closer to him.

"Well, are you? Cause I have never seen you around before, Nong..." His eyes grew twice the size as he heard me calling him nong. Well, that's not the reaction I was hoping for. I hoping he jump in and finished the  sentence by saying his name.  I chuckled and that make him smile a bit. And that small smile alone almost give me a heart attacks.  But I master up and ask "well..?" He just look away and nodded his head.  Okay, to get his name I must introduced myself first here we go. "That's nice, well let me introduce myself, my name is..." I wasn't even finished my introduction yet he blurted out " you're pii Phana Kongthanin..!" After that he just shut his mouth with both of his hands with a wide eye. He probably didn't meant to blurted out loud. Well, how in the did he know my name anyway. Or perhaps he knows me because I'm the moon of the uni, yeah that probably it.

"Wow nong, that's not fair." I said pretending to be hurt. I looked confused and ask "huh..?" "Well, it's not fair that you already knew my name, but I have no idea what your name is. Don't you think it's unfair for me?" He smile while scratch the back of his head shyly. He said,  "I'm sorry pii, my name is Wayo, my friends just called me Yo." After hear his name I feel another gush of wind in my face. What in the world I look around and see that every leaves a grasses does not move a bit and today is the hottest day. But where did that wind come from. All of a sudden we heard a loud thunder boom. "I think it's probably going to rain soon. Let go inside." 

We walked up the stair and along the way I learn that Yo is a freshmen in science faculty and that he is actually my fan and know who I am from the fashion magazine that I work as a part time model. I just cant believe that this adorable creature actually admired me since bwfore we even meet.

 As we get to the 4th floor where my  room should b e he said thanks to me for walking him to his room. I give him a confused look, as he can sense my confusing he said "I stay on this floor room 405 pii." He point to the room acroos the hall from my room. I was in shocked,  my eyes grew wide and my mouth is hanging. How is that possible? We just stay across the hall but how in the world we haven't met til now? Oh yeah, I forgot he just moved in. Since my mouth still hanging and my eyes so wide he ask me "is everything okay pii..?" I shook my head out from my  moment of shock I answer, "everything is fine N'Yo. It's just that I'm a little surprised that our room are just across the hall from each other. I'm in room 412." "What..!?" He was also surprise. "Well, this can be a good start of a new WV relationship, is it?" I say. He just smiled and nod his head in agreement. And with that we both get to our room.

Wayo, you are the wind in my face all along wasn't you? 

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