I've found you my Wayo

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Wayo POV

Oh my god, oh my god..! P'Phana Kongthanin just talk to me, and what better than that was that he initiated first. I was so shock when walked up to me and ask if I'm a freshman here.  My heart was about to pop out off my chest when he lean over so close to me and repeated his question again thinking probably I didn't hear him. I did hear him though, but I just can't answer him cause I got tongue tie. What!? Who wouldn't get tongue ties when they meet their favorite celebrity.? Well, I do. 

Anyway I better get ready for bed rit now if I want to get my full 8 hours of beauty sleep, I got a breakfast date with Ai'Ming in the morning. Yes, I need at least 8 hours of sleep that is how I get this nice skin in addition to all the beauty cream I am using. I bet I will get a wonderful dream tonight after my encounter with my prince charming. After a cool shower I went straight to bed and quickly doze into my slumber.

"Wayo...Wayo... My love." 

"Who's there.?"

"Wayo, my love, I've finally found you."

"Found me? Why? Why, are you looking for me? Who are you?"

"It's me, Chanthra, your husband."

Husband..? How can you be my husband? I'm only 18, and I never even been in any relationship. It must be Ming, he always love to pull a prank on me.

"Ai'shitty Mingkwin, is that you? I know its you, so you better come out and show your ass.!"

Yeah, you better come out. As the figure came out from the shadow.

Bang, bang, bang..

What in the world. Shit, it was a dream all along.? As I try to clear my head, my so call best friend yell from the other side of the door, "Ai'Yo, get your butt up right now, I am starving here waiting for you.!" Oh yeah, I forgot I have a breakfast date with this idiot. I shout back at him "hold your horses man, before you wakem up the whole building. I don't want to be friendless just yet!"  As open the door for Ming I heard a voice, the same as I've heard in my dream.

"Wayo, my Wayo..." It's sound sad and longing. I step out a bit into the hall and search for the owner of the voice but I didn't see any body. Ming look confused of what I was searching for. As I was turning to go back inside the room, P'Pha open his door with a dishearted look on his face. I was about to greed him good morning when Ming pull me in the room and shut the door. "What the hell you do that for Ai'Ming?" "It's 10am and I haven't have breakfast, and I'm starving because someone said that he want to have breakfast with me this morning but won't pick up his phone and takes him for ever to opwn his damn door.!" Okay, he's grumpy because he's hungry. I got it. Geez, I thought it was just me that can be a bit grumpy when I'm hungry. "Okay give me 10 minutes to get ready." I told him while ran into the bathroom to get a quick shower. As the shower runs down on my body I've heard the voice again.

"Wayo, my dear Wayo. I've found you my Wayo."

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