My Wayo

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"Nong Wayo, is that you?"

"My prince, my beloved prince Chanthra."

My prince..? Why is he calling me my prince? I know I am handsome like one, calling me as a prince is too much.  But, wait, he said prince chanthra. My name is Phana not Chanthra. Where have I heard of this name before? Yes, in my dream. Am I dreaming? 

"My prince, you have finally found me. Take me with you and we will never be parted again."

"Nong Wayo, what are you talking about? "

"I have waited for you for so long, and now we are finally reunited."

Reunited...? What does it mean? I am so confused. And why does N'Yo voice sounds like a girl? Well, he look a girl, a beautiful one to be exact, but I am most definitely know he's a boy. Not, that I'm complaining or less interested in him. Even though I only dated women so far, but I am open minded in dated guys also.  It's just that no guys have me interested before nong Yo. 

Wow..! Did I just admit that I am interested in nong Yo? Yup, I am.

"My beloved, come. Come and take me with you."

"Nong Yo, why are u keep calling me prince? I am not a price,  I'm p'phana. Remember? "

"Yes, and you are my prince as well as I am your Va......"

Bang, bang, bang....

What the hell was that? I woke up with a startle. It was just a dream. Man what nong yo were about to say? Was he going say that I am his prince as well as he is my wayo? Could it be? "My wayo... Wayo, my wayo." I keep on mumbling to myself chanting the same thing over and over again repeatedly while walking 2 go check on whom dear to disturb my wonderful dream. When I open my door I saw a tall handsome, not as handsome as me tho, walked into my Wayo's room. As I stand there disheartedly Wayo seems to sense me turned around and was about to say something, but was rudely interrupted by that jerk. A pang of jealousy hit me when he pulled Yo inside and slam the door.

Who was that guy? Is he nong Yo boyfriend? All sort of questions run thru my head and have me irritated all day til I know who he is. I keep on staringat Yo's door through the peephole of my door. What are they doing in there? When will they come out? I need to find a way to go and talk to Yo and find out what are they to each other without being to obvious. But, what can I do or saybto him? As I was about to get out my phone rings. 

Who in the world is calling me in the morning. It's the weekend, so everybody that know him knows that he is not a morning person especially on the weekends. I reluctantly answer the phone without even check the caller ID.


"Ai'Pha!" It's my grumpy best best friend. 

"Ai'Kit, wassup? Why called me so early in the morning?" 

"Early my ass, Ai'Pha it's already 10 in the morning."

"Exactly,  I usually sleeps till noon on the weekends. Remember? "

"Oh yeah that's right,  I forgot. Anyway I need to talk to you."

"What's the problem buddy?"

"Well, it's about last night, me and ai'Beam went the bar last night...umm.."

"Ummm.. and what happened? Spill it?"

"Well.. umm.. I.. umm...."

"Look Ai'Kit lets talk over brunch okay? Meetbat the usual place in 30 minutes."


After that I hang up  and get in the shower.  Ai'Kit never stutter before and always spooks his mind. I wonder what happened last night. I shoud call ai'Beam and ask him. After shower I called Beam, but he don't know what happened either. So, we decided to meet up with Kit and find out what's the problem is.


Sorry I've been busy last week didn't get to update as I planned. Hopefully those that are still interested in this story don't give up on me.. please vote and comments.

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