The Recognition

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Pha's POV

"Stupid Beam, where did you disappear to? Once you asked the question you just vanished in thin air." I asked my idiot friend the minute I answer his call. "Dude, I have something urgent that I need to do." He answered like I don't know what his urgency is. "I bet you 1000 baht that your urgency got to do something with your hubby, Forth. Am I right, or am I  right!" Yeah, I know I'm right. He just giggle. "Forget about me, how's Kit and N'Ming's situation?" "I don't know,  the last thing I remember was that Kit is beating and yelling at N'Ming and all of a sudden they just disappeared without a trace." Well, that's because I was busy looking at N'Yo attractive face rather than paying attention to my friend.  But, he doesn't have to know that. "Really?" He asked me in disbelief.  "Yup, but don't worry we'll find out first thing tomorrow morning." That will stop him from asking further questions.  "Sure, well good night then." And with that I get reasy for bed.

"Prince Chantra, this is not right. If his highness know about our situation we'll be punished severely. " 

"Vayo, my love no matter what happens in the future no one can separate us. "

"Your love are prohibited here in heaven, how dear you two broke the rules."

"Your highness, all of this scandal are done by me alone, none of this got to with Vayo. Please just punish me and let Vayo go."

"Silence! You both dear to love each other without permission,  both shall be given the punishment.  And your punishment are banishment from heaven and live your life on earth as a regular human." 

"My dear Vayo, I will find once again,  no matter where you willbe, or what you are my heart only recognized your love."

"My prince, I will wait for you no matter how long it will take, my heart only willing to love you."


It's only a dream. The same dream I've been dreaming for many times. But this time everything seems so clear. My love for Vayo, the feelings that I've been having  since I met N'Yo.. wait N'Yo's full name is Wayo... can it be? It must be so, the face Vayo's and Wayo's are so similar. Now this makes sense, I have never felt like this with any guy before I met N'Yo. I have always been straight, til I met my one and only, N'Yo. Never in my life have I imagined that my life are in a drama. Could it really be true that I am a reincarnation of prince Chantra and Wayo is Vayo? If so, my dear Vayo, or should I say my dear Wayo,  I have finally recognized you. And soon my love I will make you recognize me, that if you haven't already recognized me. 

Wayo's POV

"My prince, I will wait for you no matter how long it will take, my heart only willing to love you. "


"Ahhh!" Phew it's only a dream. The same dream,  but seems more realistic. Can it be? Am I and P'Pha the reincarnation of prince Chantra and Vayo? It must be or else how can I explain this familiar feelings I always have everytime I encounter with P'Pha. And my heart, always beating like crazy, it seems like it's recognized it's other owner. P'Pha, does your heart also recognize me  like mine did you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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